2 Things Maslow Validates About Achieving Career Success

2 Things Maslow Validates About Achieving Career Success

Lately, I've found myself referring to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs chart a lot when talking to members inside CareerHMO. He included it in his 1946 paper called, “A Theory of Human Motivation." It truly helps members visualize where they are right now in terms of career satisfaction and what it's going to take to achieve the career success they see all around them, but can't seem to get for themselves. Take a look... What I love about this pyramid is it validates two things:

  1. It is human nature to want satisfying work – it's the only way we reach self-actualization.
  2. We can't reach the top of the pyramid if we don't keep our fear in check.
Creating career success requires a deep belief we are going to be okay - coupled with a lot of activity. We don't climb the pyramid without A) confidence in our ability to reach the top and, B) taking action to get there. So, I ask you:
  • What have you done today to move yourself towards the top of Maslow's pyramid?
  • How do you keep your mind on moving up, instead of worrying about sliding down?
  • And most importantly, what resources do you seek out to help you when you don't have the mindset or motivation to do either?
These are the things I help CareerHMO members with every day. We chat in live videos sessions and trade e-mails as a way to get focused and excited to take action. However, most of our readers are not in CareerHMO. So I'm curious, how are you managing the above?

Your Next Step

School teaches you everything except how to get the job. You must invest time in learning the right way to job search. I just finished four new training videos for you - they're all about executing an easier job search in this economy. My videos are completely free and I'm confident you're going to find them useful. The link to access the first one is below.
Woman thinking about her career goals

The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?

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