I wonder if most job seekers believe that all job listings are only on job boards. I hear from job seekers all the time who are searching for jobs only on Monster, CareerBuilder, or some other big name job board—and they're wondering why it's taking them so long to find a job. Related:Reactive Vs. Proactive Job Search Strategies Or they're getting extremely frustrated because they're applying to countless jobs and not getting very many responses. I hate to burst your bubble, but if you believe that Monster, CareerBuilder, and Insert Name of Job Board You Are Using is the only place to find a job, you're wrong. Believe it or not, there are alternatives to job boards. It may seem as though all the jobs are only on the job boards, but this isn't the case. And if you're searching only on job boards (no offense to the job boards—because they can be a great resource—I'm not trying to knock anyone), then you're missing out… on a lot of opportunities. When you're in a job search it is essential that you diversify your search to get the best results. Applying to positions on job boards is a numbers game… and the odds aren't in your favor… simply because you're competing against a lot more people.
Alternatives To Job Boards
So, to get you started, here is a simple list of some alternative places where you can be investing your time searching for a job:1. LinkedIn
Join job search groups, professional groups, and make connections with recruiters who make placements in your area of expertise. Networking online is a great way to find out about opportunities that never make it to the job boards. It's also a way to be discovered.2. Facebook
'Like' companies that you want to work for, and search their pages often for openings. Many companies will list open positions on Facebook that you'll never hear about anywhere else.3. Twitter
Oh yes, you can find a job on Twitter. Use hash tags to find open jobs, find and follow recruiters, hiring managers, companies you want to work for, and career professionals. You never know when it might give you a great lead.4. In-Person Networking Events
Try Toastmasters, local association meetings, or professional group meetings. Get connected with other people face-to-face. Hand out copies of your resume, networking cards, and have your elevator speech ready when it's your 30 seconds to shine. You never know who might help you out.5. Targeting Employers
Send your resume and cover letter on professional paper stock (Resume paper, people! Get some!) in an envelope … with the name and address of the person to whom you are sending it—and be sure that it's hand-written. Using fancy labels and printing directly onto the envelope (while this does look nice) it nevertheless looks like junk mail and it will probably get tossed rather than opened. However, who doesn't want to open a hand-addressed envelope to see what's inside? Curiosity will get them every time. Target companies within a certain radius of your house (however far you're willing to commute), and send them copies of your resume and cover letter. They may have a great opening you're perfect for—but they haven't advertised it, and you would never know it's available. Many other ways exist to find a job these days, and these are just a few ideas to get you off the job boards every second of the day and hopefully spare you some frustration. The important thing is to remember to diversify your search and not spend all day in one place – whether it's job boards or somewhere else. This post was originally published at an earlier date.Related Posts
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