How To Be Annoying At Work

How To Be Annoying At Work

No one wants to be annoying at work. However, the problem is sometimes we don’t even know when we’re doing it. So, in the spirit of workplace harmony, I present a top-10 list of totally annoying workplace behaviors. If you recognize yourself in any of these, cease and desist immediately. 10. Speaking loudly on the phone. (Errr… guilty.) 9. Playing music. (Even if colleagues are too polite to say so, yes, your music is bothering them.) 8. Not answering the phone. ( i.e. If you work in a small business and share responsibility for this.) 7. Sneaking off with the last cup of coffee without making a new pot. 6. Eating food that isn’t yours. (Personally, I’m also mildly annoyed by Activia and the like in the company fridge. Seriously, that’s just way too much information that I really don’t care to know.) 5. Continuing to wax on about nothing while colleagues are giving you the “I’m busy” non-verbals. (e.g. Staring at their computer, checking the clock, typing, looking at their phone, etc.) 4. Gossiping about co-workers and/or spilling unnecessary drama about your own personal life. If you’re looking for a quick way to make colleagues uncomfortable, look no further. 3. Complaining all the time about how busy you are or, equally as bad, trying to “look” busy so no one will assign you more work. 2. Missing deadlines. When you miss a deadline, there’s usually a ripple effect that spreads through a project, endangering its overall success – and really annoying your colleagues. 1. Poor attitude. The best managers know to “hire for attitude and train for skill.” That’s because inherently positive people do more to improve and enhance a work environment than even those who are the most technically gifted. There you have it. This is my top ten list of annoying work behaviors. What’s at the top of your list? Photo Credit: Shutterstock

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