Getting 'Revenge' After Being Rejected By Employers

Getting 'Revenge' After Being Rejected By Employers

After weeks of going back and forth with an amazing company about a job that would be absolutely PERFECT for you, they tell you the position has been filled. Wait, WHAT? Excuse me? What was all of that talk about how “you've really impressed us," “you'd be a great asset to our company," and “we think you'd be an ideal fit"? Were they all lies? Filthy, stinkin', rotten LIES?

Being rejected totally sucks. You went all in for this job only to leave with nothing. You felt lead on and used. And worst of all, you didn't feel good enough. Unfortunately, the hiring process can be complicated, and there are a lot of factors that could've contributed to this less-than-satisfactory result (i.e. internal candidates, office politics, requirements, etc.).

But the best way to get back at an employer who let you down is to use your frustration as fuel to go grab a better, HOTTER opportunity. You deserve an employer that's going to treat you right, value your contributions, and maybe even take you out to lunch once and awhile. So, how do you do that? What can you do to make employers fight over you? Try this…

Use that broken heart to motivate you more.

You fully invested your time, energy, and emotions into that last opportunity and got totally burned. As much as it sucks, it happens, and the best way to get "revenge" is to get back out there and find another opportunity that's better for you. Turn that frustration into fuel.

Make a great impression.

Show them respect by dressing up for interviews, researching the company, and building rapport with the people you meet. Beyond that, make sure your online presence is looking good. Recruiters are trained to search for you online before anything, so update that old LinkedIn profile, clean up your social media, and consider starting a blog to showcase your expertise.

Don't keep them waiting.

Whether you were contacted by a recruiter about a job or you applied on your own, it's very important to keep things moving during the hiring process. Otherwise, someone else might come along and snatch the opportunity right out of your hands. Don't wait three days to send over a resume when asked and try not to reschedule job interviews. Get them what they need ASAP.

Treat each company like it's the only one.

When you're chatting it up with an employer, give your full attention. Tailor your resume and cover letter so they speak directly to the company and job. Invite people from the department to connect and start conversations with them. Bring up specific things about the company that excite you. Even if you're applying to several companies, it's important to treat each one as if it's the only one.

Don't make it all about you.

During the hiring process, it's easy to feel like everything is about you. You're the candidate for the job, you're being asked the questions, you're trying to make a good impression. However, it's just as much about the employer. You should want to learn as much as you can about this company, team, and industry. Be curious, ask questions, and do your homework. Turn interviews into conversations. Give them a chance to share stories, ideas, and goals, too.

Be confident in yourself.

Being rejected by an employer can take a hit to your confidence. If you're feeling unworthy of landing similar roles, you need to take some time to regroup and get your confidence back. Employers dig confidence. Not cockiness, confidence. So, think about what you're good at doing and write it down. Reassure yourself that you are a valuable asset and that you have great things to offer. It will help you sell yourself to future employers.

Show off your assets.

What is it about your unique experience that will be beneficial to employers? Think about what each employer is trying to achieve and then determine how your skills/insight can help them get where they want to go. If you got it, you gotta flaunt it!

Flirt a little.

Show them you're interested and excited about the opportunity. Otherwise, they might not realize how much you want it. If you try to act too cool, you can come off as cold and uninterested. So, smile, ask questions, point out projects that excite you, and always send a thank you note after interviews.

Don't come across too strong.

While showing enthusiasm is essential when wooing an employer, it's equally important to know where to draw the line. If you're too eager, it can actually work against you. For example, if you follow up too much, you can come across as pushy and aggressive.Try to balance your efforts so you don't scare employers away.

Invite them to take the relationship to the next level.

If you want a second date with an employer, you need to ask. Bring up next steps at the end of interviews and keep the conversation going by following up. This will reinforce your interest for the opportunity and will prove that you're serious about making this a long-term thing with the company. Being rejected by one employer doesn't mean there isn't another employer out there for you. Rejections happen, and it's up to you to bounce back. If you feel as though you messed up during the job interview, take a look at how you can bounce back in this video with JT O'Donnell.

How To Bounce Back After Screwing Up A Job Interview -

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