
Tell Us! When's The Best Time To Take A Vacation?

Tell Us! When's The Best Time To Take A Vacation?

Everyone deserves a vacation from their job. But when do you take your hard-earned vacation time?

Sometimes, you don't have a choice. Life events can sometimes dictate when it's time to take a vacation. Or, if work is so busy, you take a vacation whenever there's a chance to fit one in.

Most would agree that there's always a benefit to taking a vacation, no matter what time of the year it is. Let's take a look at some of the options.

The Underrated January Vacation 


Out all of the months in the year, January may seem like the least optimal time for a vacation. The holidays just ended, the new year just started, and depending on where you live, it could be very cold.

But, if you missed out on a holiday vacation and work at a place where you have to fight over vacation time, January may be a good option. The fact that the January vacation isn't as sought after as the other months kind of makes it appealing in a way. You may even find some travel deals if you're looking to take a trip!

The Popular School Vacation Months


February, March, and April are major school vacation/spring break months. Some families will often plan their vacations annually based off the school vacation calendar.

Those who choose to travel during this time usually have to plan their vacation a year or two in advance because of travel demands during this three-month stretch. As long as you plan accordingly, school vacation is a great time for family bonding.

The Traditional Summer Vacation


Some people save all their vacation time for the summer.

The weather is nice, the kids are out of school, and it's a slow time of year for some businesses so employees are encouraged to take time off.

Summer is a great time for road trips, camping, renting a place at the beach or the lake, or just staying home and grilling food. Whatever the plans call for, there's just something refreshing and relaxing about a summer vacation.

The Picturesque Autumn Vacation


Fall is a popular vacation time in the northeastern United States.

The weather has cooled a bit from summer but it's still a relatively comfortable and the leaves changing colors makes for great leaf peeping opportunities.

It also serves as a perfect vacation time for someone who didn't get a chance to take a vacation in the summer and may not be able to take a vacation during the holidays.

The Polarizing Holiday Vacation 


Many people like to take time off during the holidays but it can be both a gift and a curse.

Of all the vacations, the holiday vacation seems to be the most associated with stress. Whether it's traveling to see family, hosting family, or buying gifts, there doesn't seem to be much time for relaxation.

It doesn't mean it's impossible to relax, though. In fact, some people plan their holiday vacation like any other vacation and don't get bogged down by any potential drama that can come from the holidays.

If planned well, the holiday vacation can be a great way to wind down the year.

So, when's YOUR favorite time to take a vacation? Vote in our poll below or tell us on social media what you think is the best time of year to take a vacation.

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