Big Game Job Search Mistakes

Big Game Job Search Mistakes

It's been a few days since the Niners lost to the Ravens in Super Bowl XLVII. In a recent post, I noted some of my favorite commercials and other fun items about the Super Bowl. I favored the Niners to win, but congratulations to the Ravens. They played a flawless game compared to the Niners. SF blew several opportunities throughout the game. It wasn't just the very last pass into the end zone that ended their championship run - There were mistakes made all evening. It does make me think, though. What big game job search mistakes do job hunters make everyday? How many times does a job seeker get to the Red Zone only to miss a pass, shank a punt, or worse, throw an interception?

Big Game Job Search Mistakes

My take on the Niners loss - They Failed to Close the Deal. They did not execute well in the Red Zone (the 20 yards closest to the goal line - for you non-football fans). They also "dropped the ball" several times. If we compare epic Red Zone failures and Epic Ball Drops to Job Search, here's my list.

Epic Ball Drops

  1. Not effectively answering the interview question, "So, tell me about yourself." Hello! Everyone, including myself, should know how to answer this question in two minutes or less.
  2. Not following up with a connection or interviewer within 24 - 48 hours following a call or in-person interview.
  3. Telling your salary requirements too early in the process.
  4. Thinking more about how to keep your unemployment benefits than getting the job.
  5. Deciding that your job target is "open." An open to anything job target is not a job target.

Failed Red Zone Attempts

  1. Remember to ALWAYS express the value you bring to an employer. Express to them what problem you can solve and how?
  2. Not asking if anything concerns the interviewer about your candidacy and addressing any issues in a professional manner.
  3. Not asking for the job. If you want the job, tell them.
Do you ever feel that you have made these mistakes? If so you there is help. See a good coach. Ask for help. Don't make that epic big game mistake again and lose out of a fantastic job opportunity. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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