6 Essential Steps For Building Your Twitter Brand

6 Essential Steps For Building Your Twitter Brand

The digital world has never been more saturated with users and businesses who just want to make a difference, share their opinions, or promote a good or service. Due to such high volume, it’s important to have a game plan when branding yourself online so that you don’t get lost in all the noise. Common issues job seekers and professionals face when building their personal brand online include: hectic lifestyle, lack of education on social media, or not enough time to watch trends. Here are six essential steps for overcoming these problems and building your Twitter brand:

1. Become Familiar with Twitter

Sounds like a no-brainer, but not knowing how to use Twitter, and its unique capabilities can be a bit of a drawback when trying to establish your online reputation and personal brand. But no fear! Once you’ve set up an account, it’s critical that you get online and explore. Immerse yourself in Twitter terminology (tweet, retweet, twitter jail, etc). See if any of your contacts are on Twitter, let them know you made an account, then follow them and invite them to do the same. Join Twitter Flight School to learn more about how to market yourself to your desired community.

2. Make Sure Your Profile Is Complete

Add the appropriate website to showcase your work experience or portfolio. Create a bio that perfectly sums up your passions, accomplishments, industry, or current roles. Set up your preferred interests so Twitter can refer users or topics that will be most useful to you.

3. Use Hashtags

Use Twitter Explore/Discover to find other like-minded professionals. Use hashtags related to your field, or passions to connect with your unique online community. Tweets in explore/discover and moments are adapted to who you are, your interests, and global/local news. This makes it easier to locate relevant trends and industry leaders. Not seeing anything interesting? Tailor your trends or update your interests!

4. Be Consistent, Add Value, And Have Fun

Once you’ve learned more about Twitter, become familiar with popular lingo, set up your profile, and determined your interests/topics, it’s time to start showcasing your unique selling proposition and passions. What are you most passionate about? What trends can participate in? What insights about your particular field can you share? What fun articles can you RT that your audience will appreciate? How can you showcase your expertise in 140 characters? Make an effort to tweet 1-3 times a day.

5. Don’t Post Insensitive or Crude Content

Avoid politically charged debates, religious or culturally insensitive content that will disrupt your credibility and tarnish your reputation. First impressions are lasting impressions. Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want to hear about from a hiring manager. Avoid auto-dms and spamming other followers.

6. Use Klout or Followerwonk

If you want to increase your influence score, see what leading professionals are doing, and recirculate their content, create an account with Klout and get to sharing! Use Followerwonk to find more followers like you! Building your Twitter brand is a smart move whether you're trying to give your personal brand or business a boost. Need more help? Visit this resource to go beyond the basics.

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