Are You Career ADD or Have a Career ADD Lifestyle?

Are You Career ADD or Have a Career ADD Lifestyle?
Webinar Information
Duration:1 hour
Host:Shell Mendelson
Host Information
Shell Mendelson is founder of NB Careers and specializes in guiding individuals with Career ADD and Career Paralysis to define an authentic career direction. Shell has helped hundreds of distracted career seekers over the past 22 years to create their ideal career and a roadmap to begin the journey.
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Are you unhappy with your career? Have you been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or do you suspect you suffer from the symptoms? Or, do you have a Career ADD lifestyle, get pulled in too many directions and can't make a career decision? If so, this webinar is for YOU! How many of us suffer in a career environment where we feel unsupported, stuck and even imprisoned? We don't fit in and we can't explain why or what we need to do or say to fix it. This webinar is about clearing out the cobwebs and perhaps acknowledging for the first time that our needs and tolerances are not the same as the majority. And even if we are not diagnosed with ADD, today's lifestyle can cause us to feel unfocused, pulled in far too many directions, rendering us paralyzed to make a career decision. Without a clear understanding of each and every one of our needs in a career, and with a lack of support, we can create havoc to ourselves and to others without realizing it. With the current state of the economy and the challenges many of us face in finding and sustaining employment, it can be even more stressful for those of us who are diagnosed or undiagnosed with ADD or ADHD. But once you accept and embrace the fact that your brain is wired differently, we can find the career that allows us to fully express our talents. Imagine being able to work in an environment that supports your creative spirit and gives you the freedom to be yourself! Most of my life, I knew I was different, and indeed, I am. Why was it so easy for others to get and stay organized when I was clueless? Yet, for some reason I managed to develop an International Children's Art Franchise business that started with a thought when I woke up one morning. Clearly, the conception of this company may have never occurred were it not for the fact I have ADD. I have never been at a loss for ideas. However, staying focused and organized in order to sustain my energy around my ideas was an often challenging and confusing task. Does this sound familiar? I have always known if I was not happy in my work, I could not do the job effectively and efficiently, no matter how hard I tried. This was so true that as soon as the early warning signs of boredom or burnout developed, I would rally to begin training for the next opportunity. I knew instinctively that this would create career happiness for me. I later understood how lucky I was to have this internal barometer. The one time I did not listen to it, I paid dearly when my ADD symptoms literally took over my life and I found myself in the darkest place of my career. Today I use it to help others in their journey to career happiness. My career has taken me from secretary to professional vocational counselor to career counselor to CEO of an international franchise organization and back to where I belong – career counseling. With 22 years of experience, education and training in my field, I now understand why I was given the gift of ADD: To help others with the “afflictions" and characteristics of adult ADD/ADHD plug into the career and work they are meant to do, and create a lifetime path to career happiness. This is my mission. This is my passion. This event has already happened. You must have at least a Freemium Membership to to watch the recording of this presentation. Click here » to set up your FREE account now and watch this webinar! This event is powered by
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