
Career Advice For The Unemployed: Stress Less

Career Advice For The Unemployed: Stress Less

It's tough being unemployed - especially in this economy. Since I cannot offer you a job, perhaps some of the experiences I have used during period of uncertainties I have gone through, I can share with you. While I may not know how you feel, I know the most unnerving feeling is probably uncertainty and stress of bills mounting and being cash strapped. If you can battle through and stress less, you will feel much better.

Don’t Give Up

Yes, I know easier said than done. Don’t give up looking for a job. So long as you keep the effort, one day the accumulation of these efforts will build to a tipping point. You will find that job. This is one career advice for the unemployed I can give. There has been so many times in my life when I felt dejected and out of energy, but the feeling of not giving up and keep going on has often served me well. So, don’t give up. No good news today does not mean no good news tomorrow.

Share Your Concerns

Yes, you have a lot of stress; you have a lot of problems. Share these with your close friends or family. You may think you are troubling them and do not want to add to their own problems, in actual fact it makes them feel better if you share it with with them. At least, they know how you feel. Additionally, let friends know of your concerns. Let ego take a back seat. Not being employed is not a crime and sometimes is not of your own doing. When you share your concerns, you are actually also opening doors. Friends who care may actually spread the word around and get you jobs. This is one career advice tip for the unemployed I know that works.

See It From A Different Angle

I know this career advice for the unemployed is going to be tough to understand. You are unemployed, how can you see it from a different angle? Learn this, each situation gives us an experience that we can introspect. Look within yourself and see what opportunities there are to explore other areas of interests. This is your best opportunity. What do you have to lose? What are some of the things you have wanted to do that you never had a chance? Are there skills you want to pick up and never had the time? Use interviews to find out about other industries.

Rise Above Your Emotions

You must be going through an emotional roller coaster as the days go by and you have not found a job. Rise above the emotions of anger and depression. When you have these feelings you cannot make good judgments. Realize that there are some things that cannot be rushed. Be in equilibrium with the situation, do what you have to do but do not be angry or depressed about it. Call it the "Law of Attraction" if you like – how can you attract good things if you are constantly negative?

Accept Don’t Resist

Some things cannot be changed and some things will come at it’s own time. Does it mean you do not do anything about it? No. Does it mean you accept your fate? No. So, what does this career advice for the unemployed mean when it says accept, don’t resist? It means, do what you have to do now. Is it sending out resumes? Is it spreading the word with friends and associates that you are looking for a job? Then do just that, do not resist what needs to be done. Things don’t come if you don’t act.


Perhaps the most practical and do-able career advice for the unemployed is to act. Go stick yourself out there. Send out the resumes, speak to people, share your concerns, tell them to spread the word that you need employment. I know you are likely to say, you have done all that, but it is not enough. If you have done all that, see if there are other things you can do. Search the web for inspiration. Believe in the Butterfly Effect when looking for a job. A small action now may result in big returns later. You job may just be around the corner once you send out your 1,057th resume. I hope this career advice for the unemployed can help you see things in a different light and lessen your stress. Keep going and good luck. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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