This is a true story as told to JustJobs Academy which houses career interviews and job search advice for professionals in any industry.Visit to read about how to work smart and get ahead by using proper e-mail etiquette on the job.
I am a writer, and I have been a performing this magic all of my life across several industries. First and foremost, I am a published poet and produced playwright, though I do not make my living from this work. These activities are more my life than my livelihood.
In terms of a career track, I have worked previously as a print journalist, instructional design writer in information technology, marketing communications writer in architecture, and a creative writing instructor in community arts education.
For the past 10 years, I have provided content for two Internet-based companies, written a blog about the writing experience and ghostwritten a wide range of projects for private clients --from autobiographies to company histories to "About Us" pages on web pages. So, I guess you could say there are not too many kinds of writing I have not been called on to perform.
Indeed, there are some very common misunderstandings about the act of writing. Because I have been entrenched in it for most of my life, people who see me at a keyboard or with a notebook tend to believe the process comes easy. It does not. Having a career in blogging is a challenging but rewarding process.
Sometimes, when I've been working on a piece of writing --especially creative writing-- for days, and a friend comes to the door, I often get the comment that I look as if I've been wrestling with an animal. My friends do not know how close they come to truth with this comment.
The writing process is a detail --and labor-- intensive process. If the writing is for a client, there is a ton of research that must be done before a writing plan can even start unfolding in my head. Once the research is done, I start a draft --just to get a version of the plan outside of my body and captured on paper or a screen. Then it is time to really work.
Every word, every sentence, every implied tone of voice and meaning must be put under the microscope to see if it truly belongs with the mass of words I've just written. This part of the process may have to be repeated two or three times to get it right. Then I walk away from it, if there is time, to give my eyes a break. I come back to the document I've created and edit for typos, grammatical errors and other technical mishaps.
Next comes the grueling process of submission. If the client or publisher likes it (a very rare occurrence), I am free to move on to the next project. If the client or publisher wants changes, it comes back to me for revision until it is exactly the way they want it to be.
I complain a lot that my brain is "fried" after I've been writing for long periods of time, but I would rate my job a 10. I love even the struggles that I have as a writer and blogger.
I think I've known since I wrote my first poem at age seven that writing is my calling. A strong science enthusiast, I am aware that there are many things I do well. Writing is something I both do well and enjoy. It thrills me to be able to use my gift to change other people's lives for the better. Just the positive feedback that comes after someone has read something I wrote is affirmation.
I am not unique in knowing that writing is what I'm called to do. I am among a small group of people worldwide, though who actively, openly and without apology claim my calling. Many people do it "on the side" rather than fully submerging themselves in the work. Writing is not simply what I do. It is who I am.
I got started writing as a child because I felt everything (and everybody) in my parents' house had a voice, and I wanted a space where I could make as much noise as I heard all around me.
As an adult, I started blogging because I wanted to make sure my children were able to read about my life as a writer. They both are strong writers and have always been curious about what I do. I wanted a record of it in my own words as a legacy for them.
I have learned the hard way that consistency is the key to blogging well. It is not merely about gathering words and publishing them. You are creating a "persona" for an audience, and almost everything you write is on the record. People never forget. Sometimes, this is a blessing; other times it is a curse.
The best policy is to approach the work honestly and be sure that what you share is truly something you want to share - that it's not too personal or something that you might have to defend for the rest of your life. There was no one incident that taught me this. I have been around long enough to see other writers burned by being dishonest or too open.
In the working world, people really work! That means there is no time or room for being slack. The moment you blink, your replacement appears. You should write as if it's all you've got. As I've told students in the past: If you believe that you "can" stop writing, then you should. Those who are meant to be writers can't stop.
The strangest thing that has happened to me as a blogger or writer is the appearance of a stalker. This person never revealed his identity but, based on his comments, kept a file on everything I'd done and made it a point to post those findings on my blog daily. I turned the tables by publicly letting him know that I had the means to trace his IP address, and the posts stopped.
I get up and go to work each day because writing is my purpose on the planet. Even when I questioned, “Am I supposed to be doing this?” briefly, I was given a resounding yes. A few years ago I had a horrible car accident which made me reevaluate what I was doing with my life.
In a span of two weeks, I received a national award for poems I had written months earlier, I received a fellowship to attend a writer's conference in California, I was awarded a two-week writing residency in Oregon, and a director at a theatre from my home state called to say that he had decided to produce my latest play. I never questioned being a writer again.
One thing that has been a bit of a challenge is the assumption by family and friends that you are always available to help them write last-minute letters, resumes, school papers, or anything else needed in the 11th hour.
I also get a ton of requests from people I don't know who want some advice on the latest greatest poem or play they've written. It's a form of blatant disrespect to me. On some levels, it says the person does not really value what I do.
This happens often when I am sitting at my desk and may be scribbling on a sheet of paper or playing a word game on my computer or surfing the Internet for research. People assume that if I am not in the grips of an open word processing document and moving my fingers furiously over the keyboard, I am not writing. Everything I do --even the scribbling-- is part of my process. Writers think for long periods of time before they write.
Writing is very stressful, if you do not keep a balance. It is not healthy to sit at your computer every day for 12 or more hours per day. You need to give your mind and your eyes new scenery, and you need to MOVE! Exercise or some kind of commitment to moving around at regular intervals keeps you healthy.
Some writers I know have been brave warriors against cancer, depression and obesity. It is a sedentary job, but you have to break and be human. I work out at a local gym, eat properly and make it a point to move away from the screen at least once per hour, even if it's just to yawn or pop my knuckles.
My salary always depends on how much or how little I want to work. If I do not take on a lot of assignments, the pay is low. When I do take on more work, I am paid well. Starting salaries are much lower because you do not have the experience to justify your salary.
Writers who blog for a company are on payroll and can make up to $35 K per year. As a freelancer, I make money by monetizing my blog - or earning money each time a reader clicks on an ad.
The bulk of my money comes from independent projects, which have ranged for me from about $300 to $24 K for a single project. Some of my Internet writing pays me a flat rate for completing work in addition to residual income from Internet traffic. I would not advise taking the leap to freelancing without another steady job initially. You have to build clients and a good reputation to earn a living from it.
There is no vacation for me as a writer - not even in my sleep. My radar is always on trying to anticipate the next thing I need to write about. The day that I can take a break from my brain is the day I can really get a vacation.
To succeed as a writer/blogger, you must really have mastered the art of persuading through words. Writers gain more access to higher paying gigs when they have an undergraduate degree, but many successful writers simply have high school diplomas. You must have a natural curiosity about the world that can lead to excellent research skills, and you must not be intimidated by new technologies.
The best writers are very familiar with social networking and are as comfortable blogging by posting articles as they are doing video blogging. Finally, you must be able to keep your nose to the ground in order to know what new developments are unfolding all over the world. This means staying connected to news and trends, however you have to do it.
I would tell a friend considering blogging to do it for at least three months to see if they can actually do it. Then do it for at least two years to build clients or cash reserve before quitting a job to do it full-time.
In five years, I would like to have found a robot to write blog posts for me at least a three months in advance. That is enough of a gap to keep me ahead of the curve --with a little room to comment on breaking news, of course. Seriously, I would like to still be doing this-- and telling other writers how to do this better than I learned to do it.
Blogging career image from Shutterstock
The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?
A career resolution is exactly what it sounds like: a resolution for your career intended to help you grow into a better professional. At Work It DAILY, we believe that you need to work on your career every day (yes, you do, in fact, need to "work it daily"). So, everyone should make a career resolution or two along with those other ambitious personal resolutions. They can be little things like learning a new skill or growing your professional network, or bigger goals like landing a promotion or getting a new job.
But how do you know what kind of career resolutions to make?
You can begin by asking yourself, "Am I where I want to be in my career?" If your answer is "no," you need to take a closer look at your career goals.
Here are five more career questions you should be asking yourself this new year to figure out how to grow your career and become the professional you know you can be.
1. Am I Proud Of My Job Title?
You could be a janitor or a neurosurgeon, it doesn't matter. If you aren't proud of what you do for a living, there's something missing: passion and purpose.
Career burnout is real, but sometimes it's deeper than that. Our passion at 25 won't necessarily be our passion at 40. And that's okay.
When we are passionate about what we do, we are proud because we are doing what we think is important, what we love doing. We feel a sense of purpose. We are adding value to and making a difference in this crazy world—in a small, but significant way.
Every job is important. No matter what your job title is, if you aren't proud of it, and don't feel like you can leverage your strengths as a professional in the position, you should absolutely change that. Identify that one problem you want to find a solution to and go after it. What are you waiting for?
Remember, the only bad job is the one you aren't passionate about, the one that isn't allowing you to leverage your professional strengths and reach your potential.
If you don't know what your professional strengths are or what kind of work you'd find purposeful and fulfilling, we recommend taking our free career quizzes.
- Career Decoder Quiz - discover your workplace personas
- ISAT Quiz - discover your communication style
Take the quizzes now to learn your unique combination of professional strengths and how they can help you get better career results so you can be proud of what you do.
2. Do I Feel Secure In My Career?
This is a bit different from job security. Actually, job security doesn't exist. Every job is temporary. Think you can stay in the same job for decades and then retire? Think again. While that may have been commonplace for past generations, today's workforce and job market are completely different than what they were a decade or two ago.
So what does it mean to feel secure in our careers? When we believe as professionals that we can add value wherever we are.
You are a business-of-one. A company won't want to invest in you if they don't know the kinds of services you provide, the kind of value you could add to the organization, and the problems you could solve for them. Here are some examples of questions that will help you determine if you're secure in your career:
- Are you adding value at your current job?
- Are you honing your skills, expanding your network, and building your personal brand?
- Do you feel confident that if you lost your job, you'd be able to find a comparable one in the same field?
- Do you feel confident you'd be able to demonstrate to potential employers how you add value?
Since every job is temporary, it's extremely important to constantly work on our careers and ask ourselves these questions frequently so we always feel secure in our businesses-of-one.
3. Will I Be Able To Achieve Wealth?
When most people think of "wealth," they think of dollar signs and anything that you can attach a monetary value to. Our jobs help us build wealth. We're not going to tell you that money isn't important. Of course it is! It allows you to live the life you want to live. In many ways, money equals freedom.
But the truth is, there are other forms of wealth that are more important that you can't attach any monetary value to.
Real wealth comes in the form of family, friends, hobbies, experiences, knowledge, and community. If you don't have these things, money will never fill that void.
So, is your career allowing you to build this type of wealth? The intangible kind? Or are your relationships suffering because of your job? Is your work-life balance nonexistent? Do you have any time to pursue hobbies, learn, or volunteer?
Your career should never inhibit you from achieving real wealth. The best job isn't the one that pays the most. It's the one that pays the bills and gives you enough time to live, too.
4. Do I Have Any Regrets?
Just asking ourselves this question can be difficult because maybe we don't want to know the answer. Acknowledging that you regret something in your life is the first step to making a change. Guess what? There's still time to chase your dreams!
If you do have regrets, that doesn't mean you haven't been a successful professional. That also doesn't mean you haven't had a good career. You could be the most successful person, but if you never got up the courage to start that business, make that career change, or go back to school, you'll most likely think, "What if?" for the rest of your life.
You'll never know if you don't try. Don't be afraid of failure. Life is just one big experiment, and it's your job to learn from those experiments. That's how you discover what works and what doesn't. That's how you discover what's possible.
And even if you do "fail," that's an incredibly more valuable experience than waiting out the clock on a mediocre career. So, don't give up on your dreams just yet.
5. Can I Reach My Full Potential In This Role? In This Career?
When we feel like we have more to contribute to society, that's a sign we haven't yet reached our full potential. Do you feel like you're wasting your potential at your current job? Do you think you'd reach your full potential in another career?
Really think about what you want your professional legacy to be. It's a lot harder to get up in the morning when you don't find fulfillment in your work. When it comes time for you to retire, are you going to look back on your career and feel like you could have accomplished much, much more with those 50 years?
Everyone has unique gifts, skills, and expertise. When we focus on developing ourselves as individuals, as businesses-of-one, it's a lot easier to share those things with the world. Give yourself a chance to reach your full potential. If you haven't taken our free quizzes yet, your results will help you do just that. You may be surprised by what you can accomplish.
Before you get back into the same routine at work this year, we hope you take a few minutes to ask yourself these career questions. Listen carefully to how you answer them. You may need to make a career resolution or two.
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