There are many factors that may determine the "belief" some of us have with regard to choosing a career. See if any of these sound familiar:
- "My parents wanted me to be a _____, but I have no interest in it."
- "My parents will not approve of my career choice."
- "It will take too long to pursue that career or idea for self-employment."
- "I do not have the money, time, support."
- "No one will understand why I chose that direction. They will think it is weird. It is not mainstream or one of the top ten best careers for 2011."
- "There are no jobs in what I'm really interested in."
- "I do not know how to get training - there is no correlating college major."
- Visualize yourself in your perfect work world five minutes a day - without fail. Try not to edit anything. Keep distractions to a minimum.
- Take note of your surroundings in your visualization, and what tasks you are doing (clues to job title/field of interest or industry). Are you at a desk, in an office, outdoors moving, in a car most of the time, meeting the public?
- Does it seem outlandish (like taking pictures when you don't own a camera?), yet it still feels fun and exciting?
- Write down whatever comes to mind.
- Consider exploring options further with a professional in a group or individually to gain clarity, receive feedback, support and to establish the next steps.
- Remember nothing you consider is unrealistic - it is only unrealistic if you don't take some action to become more informed.