Why Overconfidence Can Become A Career Obstacle

Why Overconfidence Can Become A Career Obstacle

Confidence is a useful thing. However, there is a point where it develops into a star sickness. Star sickness can become a serious career obstacle. Why is it so? Star sickness presupposes that we are absolutely pleased with ourselves. That means that there is no need to grow. However, the most active and dynamic specialists become the winners. Star sickness lowers the level of self-criticism. It seems to you that you make everything ideally. You just do not have any shortcomings! But this is the sound level of self-criticism that helps us to improve ourselves. The same can be said about the star sickness and the ability to accept criticism. Such a person is convinced everything will be performed by him/her will be done in the best possible way possible. In their mind, there is no room for improvement. The leaders appreciate high-class specialists, and sometimes forgive small weaknesses to them. But when self-confidence turns into arrogance, it causes irritation. The boss will keep silent once or twice in response to condescending remarks, but then he will try to put the star down. When objections take the chronic form and arguments occur in the presence of others, then the person with star sickness can lose his or her job. The more you are in public and crowned with laurels, the more you criticize others and give advice (even when nobody asks you for it). Coldness in relations with colleagues increase even more. It is, certainly, possible to make a career in such a company, but it is more complicated to do it. It would be easier to work with people who you respect. Overconfidence does not protect you from mistakes. The person with star sickness is so confident in himself that he forgets about being cautious. He forgets to ask for advice, double-check things, and test all. As a result, the probability of failures increases. It is possible to hold out for some time on your reputation of super professional specialist even after serious blunders, but this period is not timeless. If you notice signs of star sickness once, remember that success is a relative concept. The road to it resembles the horizon that always runs away. There is always way to perfection and something you should aspire to. There is always some higher level you need to achieve. This post was originally published at an earlier date.

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