4 Career Options For History Majors

4 Career Options For History Majors

Many may say taking up history sound to be one of the most boring courses you can take and that it's meant for those who are nerdy. However, with the utmost skills in mixed writing, organization, and writing that you will learn from the course, you are sure to get a lot more of diverse job opportunities than just in simple history related work. Here are some of the most popular career options you may be surprised to end up enjoying in the long run.

1. Archivist

As how it's called, the archivist makes sure that important records of valued information are kept in the most organized manner possible. This work can be offered either in corporations or even for the service of various historical groups and other societies. As per the figures given by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, you can earn up to about $50,000 yearly for this job. The work of an archivist may seem simple but in actuality, it requires a keen eye for detail.

2. Museum Curator

You can also end up being a curator at any prestigious museum. This is because your comprehensive background when it comes to history is a great benefit to any museum. This elaborate job is also compensated well for all your efforts to pay off during those times when you used to still master the history course. Just for sharing the knowledge you have about history and maintaining the exhibits in the museum, you can be able to earn about $40,000 for an entire year.

3. Researcher

Many history majors end up being a researcher either for private or public entities. You can also get to have your own research published if you are fortunate enough to produce your own work. This is one reason why researching can also lead to another branch of career which is writing. Who knows, you might end up writing your own history book, too?

4. Other Options

The career options for history majors remain countless. You can even become a teacher, lawyer, a member of any political staff, a biographer, journalist, genealogist, dramatic arts, investment analyst, and so much more. What is important is that you study well to get high marks when you are still in the university so that you can build a good academic background once you are all set for job applications. You need not worry so much about the future of your career for your course itself will lead you to numerous avenues of work in the industry. All you have to do is persevere and never give up! Enjoy this article? You've got time for another! Check out these related articles:   Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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