10 Careers That Make You Fat and How to Deal

10 Careers That Make You Fat and How to Deal
Is work making you fat? It could definitely be a factor. A recent survey conducted by CareerBuilder found that 44 percent of the workers surveyed gained weight at their current job. The study also highlighted ten occupations that are at the most risk of workers gaining weight. These professions include travel agents, attorneys/judges, social workers, teachers, artists/designers/architects, administrative assistants, physicians, police, firefighters, marketing/PR professionals, and IT professionals. Over 50 percent of workers surveyed blamed their weight gain on sitting at a desk all day. However, stress-eating and eating out on a regular basis were also major factors. Fighting fatigue at the end of a long work day can be challenging, and motivation can be difficult to find. The survey found that 10 percent of workers didn't exercise at all, and less than 60 percent worked out on a regular basis. Is this out of laziness? It might be, however, we all know how draining it can be to stare at a computer screen all day. Who has energy or motivation to go for a run or prepare a healthy meal after doing that all day?
What do you do to stay healthy at work?
So, how do you deal with this problem? Here are three tips to stay healthy and fit at work: Take a walk on your lunch break. Taking a 15-20 minute walk at lunch is an easy way to get a little exercise in at work. Not to mention, it will help you energize your brain so you can be more productive! Exercise in your chair. Who would have thought that, while you're writing your reports or going through e-mails, you could be exercising, too! Check out some easy office chair exercises from Web MD. Pack healthy snacks. Replace your chips with a healthier version of munchies. Crunch on some baby carrots or fresh bell pepper strips instead (you can even dip them in ranch dressing, yum!). Careers that make you fat image from Bigstock
Woman thinking about her career goals

The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?

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