Charlie Sheen May Know More About Personal Branding Than You

Charlie Sheen May Know More About Personal Branding Than You
WARNING: If you don’t think you have a business-of-one you need to constantly market in today’s economy where every job is temporary, then this post won’t be of much help to you. But, for those of you who know having career success today requires:
  1. Having a skill that’s in high-demand.
  2. Knowing how to market that skill to stay employable.
Then, here’s some information you’ll find helpful.

1. Extreme Personal Branding Brings Results – But, Can You Handle it is Another Story

If you saw our post about Charlie Sheen last Sunday (which incidentally, we predicted his firing 24 hours before the news broke), then you know extreme personal branding like he's been doing lately can come at a cost. At the same time, it’s too early to say, but his decision to embrace his personal brand at the highest level could possible make him a lot of money. Regardless of what you think of him, you have to know he’s been working non-stop at creating and maintaining the media storm. And, I don’t care how confident you are, the negative press still requires VERY thick skin. Lesson: If you are going to put yourself in the spotlight, be prepared for the physical and mental toll it will take.

2. Pay Attention to Signs That it's Time to Retool Your Personal Brand

Over the years, we’ve watched hundreds of celebrities fade only to come back stronger. John Travolta comes to mind. A little Pulp Fiction and he was back on top. And what about all those "Dance With The Stars" B-list celebrities who have bounced back after strutting their stuff. It’s all about the need to change your image as a way to get audiences excited about you again. Lesson: When we lose a job or feel stagnant in our careers, it’s a chance to ask ourselves, “Okay, who would want what I have to offer now?” and "What would surprise them to know about me or see me do (in a good way)?"

3. Use Social Media to Tell Your Side of the Story

How many times have we heard celebrities complain about how the media unfairly portrays them? Well, now many celebs are using Twitter, Facebook, blogging and even video podcasting to take control of their brand and give us their side of the story. It’s easy, inexpensive and most importantly, expected by their fans. So, any career-minded celeb would be crazy not to be using social media to market themselves. Lesson: Social media tools give you a chance to market yourself more comprehensively than your resume ever will. Want to learn more? This past Friday, I talked about all the above in our weekly social TV show, "Career Reality." I was joined by CAREEREALISM-Approved Career Expert, Joshua Waldman - a personal branding wizard. I’ve embedded the recording of the show below so please check it out and tell me what you think. If you like what you see, be sure to check me out every Friday at 1:00 PM ET on The Pulse Network. Even better, sign-up to receive weekly updates about the show so you’re always in the “know.” Celebrities can teach you a lot about what to do (and NOT to do) when it comes to personal branding for your career. Watch the show and learn the secrets to successful marketing of your business-of-one. [This article has been updated since its original posting date of March 9.] Photo credit: Shutterstock
Woman thinking about her career goals

The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?

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