Challenge: Exercise For 15 Minutes Each Morning

Challenge: Exercise For 15 Minutes Each Morning

Today’s Work It Daily Challenge is to exercise for 15 minutes in the morning. When you get to work in the morning, do you feel like you ready to go? Is your brain functional yet? Are you in a good mood? If you're not a morning person, you probably answered "no" to some, if not all, of those questions. But instead of reaching for that second (or third) cup of coffee, try a different strategy: exercise. Even if you only exercise for 15 minutes each morning, you’ll get your blood moving, wake up your brain, and boost your mood before you even get to the office. How nice would it be to walk into the office and sit down at your desk, ready to take on the day? And wouldn't it feel GREAT to be in a good mood when you get to work? (Remember what Elle Woods says, "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.") Force yourself to roll out of bed, do a few jumping jacks, pushups, or squats. It will make you more awake, productive, and less irritated once you get to work. That sounds like a pretty good deal to me. This week, challenge yourself to exercise for 15 minutes each morning. Getting out of bed a little earlier might be hard at first, but you’ll notice that you’ll be awake and ready to go when you walk into the office. As a result, you’ll be more productive throughout the day. Plus, you'll find yourself feeling refreshed and ready to take on anything that hits you. How long do you exercise in the morning? What are your secrets to getting your workout done first thing each day? Tell us!

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