Challenge: Read Something Inspirational Or Educational For 30 Minutes

Today’s Work It Daily Challenge is to read something inspirational or educational for 30 minutes. We all want to make time to read these days, but for most of us, it just doesn’t seem to happen. Something always comes up that’s more important or you’re just too tired to pick up a book. In a world where we’re all glued to our phones, computers, and TVs, reading good ol’ fashion books almost seems archaic. However, it’s not a bad idea to give your eyes a break from electronics. Plus, reading something inspirational or educational for only 30 minutes can spark an idea, reignite a passion, or simply teach you something new. This is an especially good idea if you’re feeling like you’re falling behind at work, losing interest in your job, or just need a little inspiration for a project. Take a few minutes to read your favorite magazine and get ideas. Or, you can finally start that book you’ve been meaning to read that’s just collecting dust on your nightstand. Today, challenge yourself to take 30 minutes to read something inspirational or educational, whether it’s a book, magazine, article, or something else. What are your favorite books, magazines, or articles to read? What about them makes them special to you?

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