Challenge: Take Some Time For Yourself

Today’s Work It Daily Challenge is to take some time for yourself. We live in a crazy, busy world, where your attention is always in demand. Between working, taking care of your family, helping out your friends, and so on, it can be difficult to justify taking a little time to breathe. Think about it: When was the last time you took a moment for yourself? Or, when you do take some time for yourself, do you feel guilty doing it because there are so many other important things you feel you SHOULD be doing instead? This constant demand can be draining, exhausting, and overwhelming. And, if you fail to take some time for yourself every so often, you’ll feel exhausted, burned out, and unhappy. So, stop putting it off! Today, take some time for yourself. A little “me” time never hurt anyone. In fact, you might not realize it, but having some "me" time is one of the most important things you can do for your career. It will help you clear your head, balance yourself, reflect on your thoughts, and remain stable. Whether you choose to go to yoga, take a hot bath, or just enjoy 15 minutes of silence each day, allow yourself to breathe. Force yourself to take a moment to reflect. And don't feel guilty about it! If you don't take care of yourself, you're not going to be as sharp or present as you need to be for your other obligations. Taking some time for yourself is important for your health, mind, and spirit. What do you do with your “me” time each day? What's your secret to making time for yourself? Tell us!

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