Challenge: Unplug After 7pm

Today’s Work It Daily Challenge is to unplug after 7pm. With so much technology at our fingertips, it’s easy to allow ourselves to constantly be distracted. Digital detoxes are good for your health, but sometimes it's hard to completely go underground when you have so much going on in your life. Think about your typical night after work. What are you doing? What are your distractions? You might find yourself scrolling through Facebook while you’re watching TV. Or, texting with your friends during dinner. For many, this activity might feel like a good way to unwind after work. While it might seem innocent, it can actually increase your stress levels over time. And who needs more of THAT? Today, force yourself to unplug after 7pm. Instead of mindlessly looking at your phone, be in the moment. Instead of watching TV, focus on the people in the room. Be present. This might be difficult at first. In fact, you’ll probably find yourself reaching for your phone without realizing it. To counter this, think about the biggest distractions in your life. If it’s your phone, turn it off and put it in another room. If it’s your TV, get out of the house and go for a walk. When you understand what steals your attention, you can create an effective strategy to fight it. Challenging yourself to do a "mini" detox from your technology when you get home from work will benefit your relationships, help you focus, and increase your mindfulness. When you can achieve these things, you’ll be happier and less stressed. Do you unplug after 7pm every day? What are your tricks for fighting distractions? Let us know!

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