College Graduates

Your College Degree Doesn't Matter To Employers - Here's Why.

We've got some bad news for you, college grads. That diploma you've worked so hard to get isn't worth as much as you might think. In fact, your college degree doesn't matter to employers (in a lot of cases). Here's why... While they are required in certain fields, college degrees have become sort of a prerequisite for jobs. That means, more people are attending college. As a result, there's a LOT of competition out there when it comes to finding your first job after college. So, your shiny college degree doesn't set you apart from the thousands of other graduates just like you. But what can? According to career expert J.T. O'Donnell, your aptitude and personality can really help to set you apart from all of these other recent grads. Your aptitude is your natural ability to do something. What unique strengths can you bring to an organization? How can they add value? Your personality is also an important factor here. How do you interact with people? How do you connect with them? Your personality can really set you apart from other candidates if you're a good culture fit at an organization, so don't be afraid to let the real you shine. "When you can display great attributes with your aptitude and your personality, you are going to stand out to employer because EVERYBODY has a college degree," said O'Donnell. Plus, most recent graduates don't have a ton of experience to offer employers. As a result, the only things they can differentiate you on are your aptitude and personality. Remember, in most cases, your college degree doesn't' matter to employers. Get clear on your strengths and character traits so you can show your value to employers.

Just graduated and need a job?

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