
HELP! I Couldn't Answer "Explain This Gap In Your Work History!"

HELP! I Couldn't Answer "Explain This Gap In Your Work History!"

In this week's episode of "Well This Happened", we want to know what you would do if you were asked to explain the gap in your work history. How would you address this during an interview?

We want YOU to be the career coach and tell us which one is the RIGHT answer!

Think you know? Vote below, and stay tuned for later this week when we announce the right answer (and why the other ones are wrong).

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FAILED Interview Question: "Please Explain This Gap In Your Work History" [Part 1]www.youtube.com

A: Explain that you left your job to care for a sick family member & now that things are resolved, you're ready to re-enter the workforce

B: Politely explain that you'd rather not answer that question but that you'd be happy to answer any other questions they have for you

C: Explain that you had to take time off for personal issues but that you're excited for the chance to work for the company

D: Share the whole story of what happened so they know you're not trying to gloss over the fact that you've been out of work for 2 years

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