Hey Work It Daily Members, welcome to June!
This is Work It Daily's Weekly Update, a collection of useful information to help kickoff your week.
Hiring Trends Begin To Level Out
While the COVID-19 crisis has had a significant impact on unemployment across the world, there are some promising signs that things could be slowly improving.
According to LinkedIn's recent global hiring update, after a devastating few months hiring is starting to stabilize. While that doesn't mean the crisis is over, it does indicate that for the first time in a while there's some reason for optimism.
Hiring in the United States has started to level off from its drastic decline in March and April, while the countries of Australia, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy have seen occasional spikes in hiring, according to LinkedIn.
While this is a somewhat positive trend, consumer confidence is still mixed because of the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19. According to LinkedIn's survey, workers in the four regions of the United States have different levels of confidence.
- Southeast: Workers think spending will level out over the next six months.
- Far West: More than half of workers anticipate further declines in the amount of jobs available.
- New England: Workers are most concerned with financial uncertainty and just over a third are expecting further declines in personal savings.
- Rocky Mountain States: Workers are pessimistic about their company's one-year outlook and are less confident about their career progression.
What does this information mean for the average person?
Whether you're happy with your career or you're looking for a job, this information reinforces the need to be extra proactive and vigilant.
If you're lucky enough to still have a job that you love, then continue to work hard and always seek out ways to be better. You should aim to make yourself an indispensable employee. At the very least, it's important to build a strong reputation as a hard worker.
If you're looking for a job, the current economic uncertainty may be frustrating but you can't let it deter your job search. As this LinkedIn survey shows, hiring trends can change quickly. There are jobs available, you just have to look harder and constantly stay on top of the news.Good News Of The Week
It may sound cliche to some, but sometimes it's the smallest gestures that make the biggest difference.
Pizza Hut recently announced that it was giving away 500,000 free medium pizzas to high school graduates who are part of its Hut Rewards program.
"Our brand has a long history of celebrating moments that matter—like graduations—and Pizza Hut takes pride in being a part of our customers' big days. So, it's only natural that we'd be there for students and their families to help celebrate the accomplishments of the graduating class of 2020," said George Felix, Pizza Hut chief marketing officer, in a press release. "We're proud to partner with America's hard-working dairy farmers to bring students who are missing out on their chance to cross the stage with their diploma, an opportunity to celebrate with their favorite Pizza Hut pizza."
Much of the Class of 2020 are missing out on traditional graduation ceremonies and other rites of passages as a result of COVID-19. While a free pizza doesn't make up for that, it's still a nice acknowledgement of the sacrifice these seniors are making.
Businesses can't solve all of the world's problems, but whenever an opportunity presents itself, no matter how small, to make a positive difference businesses should always explore it. Not only is it good for employer branding, but it's a chance to do something good for the community.
How has your company evolved from the COVID-19 crisis?
Work It Daily would love to feature your company in our Employer Evolution series! We're all working through this challenge together and this series is not only a way to recognize businesses, but a way to provide motivation and inspiration to others. We're all in this together!
If you're interested in participating in the Employer Evolution series contact Aaron Sanborn at aaron@workitdaily.com
WID Resource Of The Week
Summer typically means vacation time for most, but COVID-19 may be throwing a wrench into some of those plans. As a result, it may be a busy summer for those on the job search.
If you're going to be dedicating a lot of time this summer to job search, then it's important that you make the best use of your time.
Check out Work It Daily's free masterclass training "8 Job Search Mistakes To Avoid Post-Crisis." Not only will this class teach you what mistakes to avoid, but it will help you get your job search in order, so your time is being used efficiently and you have a better chance at success!- How The Coronavirus Can Affect Your Job Search - Work It Daily ... ›
- 6 Essential Technologies To Help Your Career During COVID-19 ... ›
- JT Talks Jobs - 5 Skills In Demand After COVID-19 - Work It Daily ... ›
- JT Talks Jobs - 24 Mega Trends Of 2020 ›
- How The Coronavirus Can Affect Your Job Search - Work It Daily ›