Culture Showcase: Fashion, Fun, And Bagels With The CEO

Culture Showcase: Fashion, Fun, And Bagels With The CEO

Each week, we try to showcase amazing companies that have cool company cultures. Today's culture showcase is Rue La La, an online retailer headquartered in Boston.

Take a peek at Rue La La

Although Rue La La is in a competitive industry that provides challenging, fast-paced work, it strives to make it’s office a comfortable, communicative work environment for its employees. “No one has offices," said AP Expense Analyst, Rachel Hughes. "Even the President and Chief officers have open concept desks to make themselves available and always approachable." Even with over 600 employees, CEO Steve Davis works hard to get to know his teams. Davis will email associates on random Fridays inviting them to join him for a bagel and discuss whatever they'd like to talk about, even if it’s not necessarily about Rue. “He just wants to get to know people, which I think is really cool!” said Hughes. When was the last time the CEO of your company just wanted to gab over snacks? Do you love YOUR company? Tell me what makes it awesome - Tweet me @AriellaCoombs and tell me!

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