To sustain your energy and retain your focus throughout the day, save yourself by stocking up on the below healthy desk foods. Organize your desk so that you have (an ample supply of!) water and desk foods within reach but no obstacles to work supplies or “inbox” paper trays (let’s keep that boss happy, huh?).
Top Must-Have Desk Foods
Consider organizing your healthy desk foods in a shoe-box either laid flat or stood up like a diorama, on display to motivate your colleagues. The below list includes desk foods which do not smell, have limited sugar, and don’t take up space.Desk Food #1: Raisins
Nature’s favourite fruit, a great source of iron and actually a great laxative. Buy the individual packs that actually pack in two servings of fruit.Desk Food #2: Meal Replacement Bars
Meal replacement bars are low-glycemic and include the correct amount of protein. I like either homemade bars or bars from USANA Health Sciences.Desk Food #3: WOW Butter®
WOW Butter® looks and tastes like peanut butter, but actually is peanut free. The bonus with WOW Butter® is that it doesn’t smell, provides a great source of Omega 3’s and creates a safe workplace due to the peanut allergies.Desk Food #4: Crackers
I recommend Mary’s Organic Crackers® which are gluten-free and can be paired with WOW Butter. Eaten plain with green tea or water still make for a great snack.Desk Food #5: Homemade Vitamin Water
Not just water, but vitamin water. To do this, slice up a mango in small pieces. Drop them in your water to let them soak overnight. The next day your vitamin water is ready. Mangos are considered a multivitamin, loaded with nutrients such as probiotic fibers, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and beta-carotene. This way, you drink more water due to the flavor, and can have bits and pieces of fruit at the same time. You can choose other fruits, but my favourite is mangoes.Desk Food #6: Seasoned/Unseasoned Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are an amazing source of Vitamin E, Magnesium and Vitamin B1. For curbing your snack craving and protecting your immune system, you can add them to Greek yogurt, salads and scrambled eggs. Nuts and almonds are also an option, but can smell up your office/work environment and can be dangerous due to food allergies, so its better to choose snacks that are more neutral and odor free.Desk Food #7: Pop Chips
I love Pop Chips! The salt is perfect and the chips are popped, not baked or fried. They are low in calories and a handful fills you up pretty quick.Desk Food #8: Kale Chips
I also love kale chips, which you can either buy or make yourself. To make them, wash and clean kale, remove the stems and cut the kale into bite-size pieces. Cover a baking tray with foil and spray Pam so the kale doesn’t stick. Spread the kale on the foil, sprinkle sea salt, pepper and drizzle olive oil. Using your hands (wear gloves) mix all kale together. Place in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees. Monitor the baking to avoid burning and to monitor how much of a crunch you want for your chips.Desk Food #9: Dark Chocolate Covered Fruit
The options are blueberries, pomegranates, cranberries, and mangos. Dark Chocolate provides antioxidants, is low-glycemic, and is good for your heart. This amounts to two amazing things in one - fruit and chocolate- what more can you ask for?Desk Food #10: Green Tea
Green tea is just as good at room temperature. I usually go to a Chinese grocery Store and ask for a recommendation. Green tea increases your metabolism, provides the right type of caffeine to sustain your energy, lower high blood pressure and improves the rate of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol. Article written by Ayeesha S. KanjiPhoto Credit: ShutterstockFrom Your Site Articles
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