Discrimination at Work Not Necessarily a Bad Thing

Discrimination at Work Not Necessarily a Bad Thing

Discrimination at work isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I overheard a conversation the other day between two employees at a local restaurant. One of them said, “I am so sick of our boss. He is always discriminating against me for coming in a few minutes late or not getting my work done as fast as Joe."

The second employee turned to the first and said, “It serves you right. Show up on time. Do better work. It's not really that hard."

I held my laugh in until I was out of earshot, but it seems like I hear this kind of thing more and more. People feel like they are entitled to a job or that all kinds of discrimination are bad/wrong/evil.

Not true.

See, we won't discriminate against you for your age, gender, etc. But work performance? I can discriminate against you all day long.

“Discrimination" isn't a blanket defense for poor work habits. Just an FYI.

Ben Eubanks is an HR professional by day and an HR blogger at upstartHR.com by night. You can reach him in the usual ways, including e-mail, Twitter (@BenEubanks), and LinkedIn.

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