10 Habits To Energize Your Workday

10 Habits To Energize Your Workday

Balancing "highly focused work effort" with adequate rest and recovery is invaluable in any performance venue - work, athletics, sports, hobbies, and so on. Without adequate recovery time, we stress our bodies physically, emotionally, and mentally. Energy levels suffer and peak performance is impacted. But how can you energize your workday? Related:Hump Day Treat: 5 Quick Tips For Better Productivity Recovery time not only includes planned vacations and time away from work on the weekends, but also daily "rituals" designed to regroup and recover from the stress associated with your day-to-day work demands. High performance periods throughout the day MUST be balanced with recovery periods throughout the day. Without those recovery periods, performance tends to ebb substantially due to inadequate physical, emotional and mental energy availability.

Daily Recovery Rituals To Energize Your Workday

  • At the beginning of each week, load a desk drawer up with healthy snacks - nuts, low-sugar fitness bars, and so on. During the day, take a 10 minute break to eat a snack from your snack drawer and drink a bottle or glass of water.
  • Stand up and stretch for 10 minutes.
  • Walk a floor or two in your office; stop briefly to chat with a colleague or two for a few minutes.
  • Ride down to the local Starbucks or coffee shop with just a blank pad of paper. Drink a cup of coffee and "unload" anything on your mind onto the pad.
  • Call a good friend or family member and chat for 10 minutes.
  • Close your door and read something "fun" for 15 minutes.
  • Close your door and write a handwritten "thank-you" note or two to someone.
  • Go for a 10 to 15 minute walk outside.
  • Browse a nearby bookstore for 10 or 15 minutes.
  • Close your office door and "tweet" some friends.

Rules To Follow During Your Recovery Ritual

  • Close your office door, when possible.
  • Turn off your phone(s) or forward your calls to voicemail.
  • Turn off your computer screen and your computer volume.
  • Turn off your e-mail Inbox "bell" or "tone."
This post was originally published at an earlier date.

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