Recouping After Getting Drunk At A Company Event

You’ll probably find yourself attending company events throughout the year. Whether it’s an event your company is putting on for a client, an office get together, or a holiday party, there will be an event that you’ll have an opportunity to drink one too many adult beverages and say/do something embarrassing. But how do you bounce back after getting drunk at a company event? If you embarrassed yourself after having a few too many glasses of wine, the first thing you should do is go to HR and apologize. You don’t need to apologize to everyone or make it a big thing necessarily. However, you do need to go to someone at the management level and express an apology. Acknowledging your mistake and dealing with it in a private manner is really the best thing you can do in this situation. If there’s something they want you do, they will let you know. However, avoiding it and not acknowledging it can actually make things worse. If you fail to address your behavior after getting drunk at a company event, management and/or HR will wonder if this kind of behavior is something they should expect in the future. Or worse, they might have to sit down and have a hard discussion with you about your actions. Either way, it’s not a good look for you. Instead, be acknowledge your mistake, figure out what you need to do to resolve it privately, and own up to your actions. Your employer will appreciate that you’re being proactive about the situation.

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