Googling for Jobs: Use Google to Find Your Next Job

Googling for Jobs: How to Find Your Next Job Using Google
Google is like the all seeing and all-knowing great and powerful Wizard of Oz... Hard to detect and impossible to comprehend, there's a lot that happens behind the scenes. There's algorithms, bots and crawlers (oh my), but there's also a human element. At a time when so many are unemployed and looking for work, Google can connect you to the people, insights and resources to get you hired. Join us as we explore Google Search, Alerts, G+ and a host of other services that can help you land your dream job. Meet the Presenter - Michael Peggs Peggs likes to think of himself as a Chief Branding Officer (CBO), daring young professionals to define their personal brands and go after their dreams. Your Personal Brand is how you market and sell yourself to others. His blog, online courses and weekly YouTube show helps Gen Y package their talents to stand out in a crowd. You can reach Peggs by visiting Don't miss out on this valuable session. What you gain could help you ace your next interview and get the job!
Woman thinking about her career goals

The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?

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