How to Build Your Career Success

How to Build Your Career Success
Success Tweet: Focus on what you are becoming. This helps you believe in yourself and builds your confidence. Confidence is important to your success. I love the idea of “becoming.” It’s really a positive concept, and it’s similar to a couple of the ideas in The Optimist Creed. The sixth point of The Optimist Creed says, “Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.” The ninth point says, “Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.” Tweet 41 in Success Tweets and points six and nine in The Optimist Creed reinforce one of my career success coach points – success is a journey, not a destination. Keep moving forward in your life and you’ll succeed. I’m going to be 60 this year and I keep learning, growing, and moving forward. To celebrate my 60th birthday, I will be releasing three new books and a home study course on life and career success this year. I am becoming a better career success coach because of my writing and my blogging. But I’m nothing compared to Peter Drucker. He wrote 39 books in his long and distinguished life and career – two thirds of them were written after he was 65 years old. “Becoming” is not a function of age. It’s a function of your willingness to look ahead and see the opportunities life brings your way – and then to act on them. Take it from a career success coach. When you focus on what you are becoming, you will be building the life and career success you want and deserve. Keep becoming and you will succeed. I guarantee it. I like the idea of “becoming” so much because it gets at the idea all of us can always become something more, no matter our age, or our previous successes or failures. There is always more to do, more to accomplish, a way to become more remarkable. Becoming and thinking go hand in hand. Your thoughts determine what you will become. It’s true -- you become what you think about most. That means that the quantity and quality of the life and career success you will achieve will be in direct proportion to the size of your thoughts. If you allow your mind to be dominated by trivial matters, your achievements are likely to be unimportant. If you discipline yourself to think about things important to your life and career success, you will achieve great things. Take my career advice; keep up with what’s new in your field and with what’s going on in the world. Create a list of good ideas that you can use anytime you are searching for a creative solution to a problem. Remember, people with small minds think and talk about other people. People with medium sized minds think and talk about things. People with great minds think and talk about ideas. The common sense career success coach point here is simple. Build your life and career success by focusing on what you are becoming. Career success is a journey, not a destination. Treat it that way. Use the career advice in Tweet 41 in Success Tweets, “Focus on what you are becoming. This helps you believe in yourself and builds your confidence. Confidence is important to your success.” Commit to taking personal responsibility for your life and career. Set high goals, then do whatever it takes to meet or exceed them. React positively to the setbacks, problems and negative people and events in your life. Keep at it. Don’t let a day when you come back empty handed in your quest for building a remarkable life and career get you down. Get up the next day with optimism in your heart, focused on what you are becoming and keep working. If you would like a copy of The Optimist Creed to frame and hang in your office, go here and enter your name and e-mail address. Building career success image from Shutterstock
Woman thinking about her career goals

The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?

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