How Investing Can Save Job Seekers Money

How Investing Can Save Job Seekers Money

Who doesn't like to save money? We all do. And, if you are a job seeker, you are probably focused on saving every penny you can. Well, guess what? That mentality could cost you money. Here's how...

Wait 'Til it Breaks = Spend More on Repairs

(If you can afford the repairs.) Years ago, I learned the hard way sometimes you need to know when to invest before it's too late. I had a used car I owned - a.k.a. no payments to make. It was old, but I wanted to get a few more years out of it before I had to budget to get a new one. One day, a light came on the dashboard. Instead of going to the garage to find out what it was, I ignored it. The car seemed to be running fine. Each time I turned on that car, the light would glare at me. In my head, I could feel a little voice nagging at me, “That light is telling you something is wrong." But, I didn't want to spend money. I was on a budget. So, I ignored that little voice and drove the car anyways. What happened next won't surprise any of you: The transmission dropped on the highway. My car was broken. The estimated price to fix it at the time was almost $2,000. Way more than I had as a young, broke professional. So, I had to quickly lease a car and take on car payments I had hoped to avoid. I ended up in a new car I hated. I regretted not paying attention to the little voice in my head.

The Little Voice Saying, 'You Don't Know What You're Doing'

For many job seekers today, my story about the little voice should sound familiar. That's because, deep down, the little voices in their heads are saying, “You don't really know what you are doing in this job search." And that voice is right. You see, school teaches you everything except how to get the job. And in the last few years, thanks to the Internet and social media, the approach for finding work has changed dramatically too. Add to that a bad economy and competitive job market, and you are up against some big challenges. You've got problems. But, instead of investing now to solve them, you are avoiding it, thinking you can figure out what to do by yourself. My question to you: Are you willing to risk what will happen if you don't get help? Watch this video where I explain when it's time to invest in job search training.

Your Next Step

If you liked this advice, then I encourage you to check out my new video series. Each video provides tips for executing an easier job search in this economy. My videos are 100% free and I'm confident you're going to find them useful. The link to access the first one is below.
Woman thinking about her career goals

The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?

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