Job Interviews

How To NOT Get Hired After An Interview

How To NOT Get Hired After An Interview

With six years in the staffing industry, I have been in numerous interviews. Some of them I walk away wanting to call that candidate up asking them to have a cup a coffee with me just so I could pick their brain some more. Others were good, but left you feeling like something was still missing. Then, there were the interviews that had you walking away asking, what just happened? Interviewing is an art form; it takes practice, time and research. It's one of those things that you just have to work at sometimes. Through my experiences, here's how to NOT get hired after an interview.

You mass apply to handfuls of positions and don't remember important details.

I get it! You need a job and you want to get your resume out to as many employers as possible. But handling your job search in this manner can be reckless. If a Hiring Manager ran into the above sentence every single time he/she called on a resume they received, they wouldn't get very far in the hiring process. Having to re-explain a position to someone who already expressed interest in a position is tiring on their end and unprofessional on yours. How to solve: GET ORGANIZED! If you are serious about finding a job, you need to get serious on how you organize where/who you send your resume too and for what position. I would recommend getting Evernote on your desktop/laptop and your smart phone. Evernote is a great way for you to organize your job searches. By creating a new notebook you can copy and paste job descriptions, a quick note, when you sent your resume and the contact name. When a recruiter/hiring manager gives you a ring you can refer back to your note in Evernote, review it quickly and have a stellar phone interview.

You forget your resume or you hand the interviewer a crumpled up, dirty resume.

You might be thinking, well yes, of course I would bring an extra copy of my resume with me into an interview. Let me share with you a story that has happened more often than you think. I walk into an interview with an applicant sitting at a table with their coat still on, no portfolio, no pad of paper with them not even a pen. When I ask them for an extra copy of their resume, they look at me with a shocked expression, "I wasn't told to bring a resume!" Whether or not the recruiter/hiring manager told you to bring an extra copy with you... ALWAYS bring an extra copy. Make sure it is clean and crisp with no coffee ring in the corner or yesterday’s lunch. How to solve: FedEx Kinko's Office and Print Centers are a great place for you to make copies of your resume. All you have to do is bring in a flash drive of your resume or even a simple copy of it on a piece of paper and you can begin to make copies for you to have on you. If you aggressively job searching I would recommend printing 30-40 copies to keep in a folder in your car at all times. Your resume is a direct reflection of you and your work. Make sure it comes off that way through a nice clean well-read resume.

You excessively call back the recruiter/hiring manager asking them for an update on the job you interviewed for.

While this part of the interview process can be a stressful for the applicant, it's also a very difficult for the recruiter/hiring manager. They are reviewing all the candidates, their job experiences, skill sets, how they jived in the interview, asking if they would be a good fit in the role. There are a lot of things to consider and it's not always something that can be decided overnight. It can become bothersome to the recruiter/hiring manager if they keep getting phone calls, voice mails, e-mails on a status update. Just like interviewing can be an art form, hiring the right candidate is the same. It takes careful consideration; research and time to make sure you are finding the right candidate for their company’s culture. How to solve: I would send a quick e-mail stating the following points: Your name, what you came in for, how you are still interested/excited and if they could give you an update or a time frame on when you could expect to hear back. Just remember to keep is simple and short, you don't want to come off too strong. Enjoy this article? You've got time for another! Check out these related articles:Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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