
7 Tips For Conducting A Long-Distance Job Search

Landing a job in your hometown is hard enough. So, what do you do when you want to find a job in another town, city, state, or country?

The remote job search can be super challenging, and that's why I want to share with you some secrets and strategies you can use to find that job ASAP.

1.Pick One Location

Woman picking one location for her long-distance job search


You might feel like finding a job in another part of the world is daunting, but it doesn't have to be. The first thing you have to do is pick a single location. I've worked with lots of people who've looked for a job remotely while considering multiple locations.

The problem with this is that it fragments your job search.

You need to have a laser-like focus, which starts with choosing one location. It's important that you dedicate your time, energy, and resources to that one location so that you can be more effective.

2.Set A "Move By" Date

Professionals moving after their long-distance job search


Next, set a hard "move by" date. This is a date that's 3-6 months or a year out—whenever you absolutely intend to be there. This is similar to choosing one specific location, in that when you're conveying it to other people, you sound really definitive.

On the other hand, if you say, "I'm thinking about moving here or here, and I'm not really sure when I'm going to move," individuals aren't going to help you. You sound wishy-washy. You don't sound dedicated; you don't sound clear.

Who wants to help somebody who doesn't have real clarity behind what their next career move is? Nobody.

So, you have to set these expectations, and really sound positive and determined to do it in order to get people to back you up.

3.Create An Interview Bucket List

Next, create what I call the "interview bucket list." Create a list of 10 companies that you are impressed by in the location where you want to move to, and establish some qualifications for them.

This is going to give you some focus in terms of who you need to network with, reach out to, and start to connect with in order to find the job opportunities you want.

4.Connect With 5 People At Each "Dream" Company

Professional man connecting with his dream companies during a long-distance job search


Now, once you've got that list, connect with five people at each of these organizations. Today, you can easily do this online through social media tools like LinkedIn.

The goal here is to start a relationship, start a connection, and start a conversation with these individuals. This will be really easy to do, because you're going to be able to say, "Look, I'm moving to this location by this date, and your company is on my bucket list of employers that I'm really impressed by. I was just hoping to learn more about what you do there, why you like it, and how you got your job there, in the event I can earn a job there down the line when I relocate."

You're not asking them for a job—you're asking them for information.

In addition to contacting and connecting with individuals at these organizations, you should also find some virtual online groups that are located in the area. For example, you might be part of a certain, unique industry or a certain, unique type of work that online groups naturally spring out of.

There are usually local chapters of these groups, and they oftentimes have an online presence. These are organizations that you want to connect with so that you can find even more people to reach out to.

5.Set Up Informational Interviews

The next step is to take all of these connections that you've built, and turn them into meetings.

You want to be able to reach out to these individuals and set up informational interviews, where you will aim to learn more about them, their work, how they got into it, how they landed the job at their company, and what they like about the location.

These informational interviews are really vital, and you need to prepare for them like it's an actual job interview. This will ensure that when you do spend time with these people, you really make the right impression.

6.Plan A Visit

Man meets with connections at his dream company during a long-distance job search


Next, plan a visit. What you should do is take some vacation time, or utilize a weekend, and schedule a trip to where you want to work. That way, you can reach out to these folks and say, "I'm going to be in your area. Can I buy you coffee? Can I stop by the office and just introduce myself?"

Once again, by setting this up and saying, "I will be there," you're making it really easy for them to say, "Sure, I'll meet with you."

This is going to give you a chance to have a face-to-face connection, which is vitally important, because these individuals will see your personality and how committed you are to this relocation.

They're going to want to help you, and they might just introduce you to the hiring manager or HR—and that's what you really need.

These face-to-face meetings also have the added benefit of getting you really excited about your move. That's going to help you as well.

7.Save Up!

Woman saves up money for her long-distance job search


The next tip is a strategic one, and that is to save up.

Typically, it can take about six months to find a new job. So, if for some reason you're not able to connect to a job before you move, you will still have some income saved up so that you can really devote time and energy to finding a new job without feeling desperate.

Do whatever you can to save up at least six months' salary and living expenses, so that you know that you're covered.

My last piece of advice for conducting a successful long-distance job search is simply to go all in. Once you decide to relocate, you have to fully commit—mind, body, and soul. The world needs to know that this is your number one priority and goal.

This is the only way you're going to convince others to help you, and, personally, I really believe in bringing in that energy from the universe. When you put yourself out there, and you have such a clear intent, great things happen.

So, get committed, stop waffling, make that decision, and then follow the steps I've outlined here. You'll increase your chances of landing a great job before you even move.

Need more help with your long-distance job search? Join our career growth club today and get access to one-on-one career coaching, resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn reviews, exclusive courses, and unlimited networking opportunities!

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