JT Talks Jobs

How COVID-19 Impacts Workers Over 50

How COVID-19 Impacts Workers Over 50

Were you laid off due to the COVID-19 crisis and are now worried about age discrimination? Or, are you concerned about keeping your job while competing against a younger generation?

If so, you're not alone. A question I've gotten a lot in the past couple of weeks is what can the older generation of workers do to protect their career & job search during a time of crisis.

"The truth is, if you're over 50, and you've decided in your mind that it's all age discrimination and there's nothing that you can do, that's a self-fulfilling prophecy. That's exactly what's going to happen. But I know there's lots of you that don't want to believe that, and there's lots of you who don't want to be angry anymore."

In this episode, I talk about how the coronavirus pandemic affects workers over 50 years old, and what you can do about it.

Want To Hear More? Download my podcast here:

Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5idXp6c3Byb3V0LmNvbS84Njk1NTEucnNz

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4DhWLJSHCbLNltoebygXyk

Meet Your Host: J.T. O'Donnell

J.T. O'Donnell is the founder and CEO of Work It Daily, an online platform dedicated to helping people solve their biggest career problems.

She has more than 15 years of experience in HR, recruiting and career coaching.

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