
Would You Rather Have Mornings Or Nights Off?

Two employees with flexible work hours

The traditional work day is changing. Is telecommuting just a trend? Or is it a movement? It's hard to tell at this point.

Technological advancements made within the last ten years have provided workers with new flexibility in their jobs. This flexibility challenges the 9-to-5 work day we used to consider the default for a productive workforce.

And in some companies that are late to the party, the 9-to-5 work day is still considered the norm. Or, at least, the exception not the rule.

Studies show the remote worker trend is growing

Man sitting at desk working from home on laptop


For those of us who could do our jobs anywhere (as long as there's a strong WiFi signal), the opportunity to telecommute often allows for a better work-life balance. And the work-from-home trend is growing.

A recent study found that 43% of U.S. businesses predict that they will allow more remote working in the next year. In addition, 54% of U.S. companies have said that they offer remote working to increase employee retention—indicating that employees are increasing demands to work from home.

Along with the choice to work remotely, telecommuting also includes working outside the normal 9-to-5 hours. More and more workers are not only having the option to work remotely, but they're also getting to decide when they work.

Depending on where you are in your life and career, maybe starting your work day around noon is ideal. Or maybe you work best when the sun is just beginning to rise. Everyone's productivity levels peak at different times during the day. Some employers are starting to realize this, and are using this knowledge to their advantage.

More flexibility with increased productivity? Flextime is a perk that just seems to make sense. What would flexible work hours mean for you?

Mornings OFF!


Mornings can be rough. Maybe you're a night owl. Or maybe you're just so much more productive once the sun goes down. Either way, sleeping in is important to you. But only for an extra hour or two! Because working nights means you get to go for that morning run—without having to rush to work right after! You really hope you never have to set your alarm for 6 a.m. ever again.

Nights OFF!


Early birds unite! You'd rather get up early and get things done (preferably before lunch!). Maybe you have kids and need to make sure they get up for school. But you also need to get them to practice by 5 p.m. Working nights just doesn't work for you, but it may in the future. For now, though, just the thought of working past 4 o'clock gives you a headache.

So, tell us BELOW! What would you choose?

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