Interview Tip: Dry Idea for Sweaty Moments

Interview Tip: Dry Idea for Sweaty Moments
Not only is it summertime, but many parts of the country are having the worst heatwave in their history. Which means, if you have an interview lined up, the chances of you getting sweaty are pretty good. Between the stress of the interview and the increased temp, you could end up with a set of “bolognas” that could cause some serious embarrassment. What are “bolognas” you ask? Management Expert, Dale Dauten made me laugh until I cried years ago when he told me about his “bolognas incident.” Here’s the story in his own words:

"A while back I was doing a seminar for a few hundred people and, as always, I was working hard, suitcoat off and sleeves rolled up, moving about the audience, involving people, trying to give away all the energy I have. We took a break and one of the participants came up to me and said, 'Your material is great. I only wish the others at my table were paying attention to the content -- all they can talk about is your bolognas.' My WHAT? He explained: 'Yeah, that’s what we call the sweat marks under your arms. They’re about the size of bologna slices.' Great. Naturally, I thought it was ridiculous to be discussing bolognas when I had important concepts to convey, but if it was distracting the audience, I had to (sigh) deal with it.”

SOLUTION: Darker Clothes and Some Dry Idea

To save yourself from what my friend Dale experienced, I suggest you try wear darker clothes that won’t show the sweat. Better still, be sure to grab some anti-perspirant (like the Dry Idea coupon available on the next page), and slather it on. The last thing you want is the interviewer staring at your bolognas, right? Honestly, it’s the little things in an interview that can cost you the job. Right or wrong, hiring is discrimination. So, don’t give the hiring manager a chance to disqualify you over a sweaty moment!
Woman thinking about her career goals

The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?

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