Why Completing A Job Application Isn't A Waste Of Time

Why Completing A Job Application Isn't A Waste Of Time

Each organization has its own hiring process and, for many, that includes completing a job application in addition to submitting a resume. Many job seekers don't believe that completing a job application isn't a waste of time. Filling one out can be frustrating and time consuming since no two applications seem to be alike, but it is definitely worth the extra effort if you really want the job. Related: 5 Biggest Job Application Mistakes Employers use application forms to obtain information that may or may not be included on your resume. Some of the more common components of an application are:

Work History With Specific Dates Of Employment

You may also be asked for the reason that you left your previous employers and contact information for your former managers. If you’re currently working, you should indicate on the application form whether it is acceptable to contact your current manager. If it’s not, hold on to that information and provide it to the recruiter after you receive an offer.

Salary History And/Or Future Salary Expectations

Employers want to know how much you’re currently earning (or you’ve earned in the past) so that they can ensure the position is in line with your salary requirements. For example, if I have a position that can pay up to $50,000 per year, but you’re currently making $75,000, you may not be interested in taking a $25,000 pay cut.

Ability To Work In The United States

Again, this type of information isn’t often included on a resume, but it’s important to the hiring process. If you require a visa to work in this country, that’s something that the human resources staff needs to know up front. For some visas, there is a very small window when employers can apply, so this may make it difficult to hire you without this information.

Other Barriers To Employment

An employer may require information about your ability to work certain hours, non-compete, or other restrictive covenants that may be in effect, criminal convictions and other relevant information to the hiring process. Although job applications can be cumbersome, most employers wouldn’t ask you to go through this extra step unless they believe the additional information is necessary to making a successful hire. You should take the same care with the application as you did with your resume. Make sure that it is free of errors and complete to the best of your ability. If you find that you’re being asked to complete a lot of applications, keep an electronic file with the answers to the most commonly asked questions. This will allow you to quickly locate the information and possibly cut and paste it to save time and effort. This post was originally published at an earlier date.

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