To get anywhere with your job search, you really do have to put in the time and draft. The age-old saying "no pain no gain" - it’s completely true. It’s easy to be lazy when you’re unemployed, but at the end of the day it will get you absolutely nowhere. If you want to get somewhere in life, you really do have to put in maximum effort day in and day out with your job search until you eventually find something. Here are three essentials to landing a job:
1. Plan What You Want To Do
The first step is to sit down for a few hours and just think, think, and think. You need to think about you; forget about what your family wants you to do for the moment (don’t ignore advice), and ask yourself, “What do I want to do? What am I good at?” Draw up mind maps, do whatever you need to do to narrow down your job search into a few career paths. For example, if your hobby is photography, look into various photography jobs and career opportunities. Then get on the internet and do some thorough research into those chosen paths, note down any specific qualifications or skills needed, etc. If certain qualifications are required, you need to decide whether you want to steer clear or do what’s necessary to achieve them. You really need to be realistic with yourself here. If you have next to nothing in terms of qualifications, you need to bear that in mind when thinking about which career paths to approach. Don’t put yourself down, just be realistic - it can save you a lot of time.2. Searching For Vacancies
In this day and age the first obvious step for many job seekers is to hop on the internet and browse job search websites. Some of the leading sites are great; over time they’ve developed efficiently and can match you up with suitable vacancies varying from accountancy jobs to tree surgeons. But, it’s not the only way to look for openings. Another saying you may hear as a job seeker is, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” This is a very true statement. You really need to get yourself out there and be as social as possible; having a big group of friends will without a doubt increase your chances of finding a job. Being a social person increases your confidence and interpersonal skills, this helps you meet new people and make new bonds. Friends will always want to help you out when you’re unemployed. You need to ask everyone you know, having a big family helps, but not everyone is that fortunate. Lastly, "get on your bike" and go. Go to job centers and CV posting. Employers will look at you in a new light when they realize you’re making an effort and will brand you as a "get up and go person." Plan where you want to go and think outside the box. Don’t just go to the shopping center, there are loads of places you can go. Go back to your initial research and look into various companies accessible to you. Spend a week going around to these companies and you’ll increase your chances dramatically. By handing a CV over personally you have a much greater chance than someone who’s posted it online; you know they have it and have probably read it, whereas when you post it online you don’t know if they’ve even received it.3. Work On Self-Improvement
This is a huge factor. Although it’s wrong to judge someone on appearance, a lot of employers do. Regarding appearance: It’s your ability to brush up and look professional and presentable. Here are some examples:- It’s important you have a tidy suit. Suits aren’t cheap, but a well-fitted suit will impress any interviewer. Even if an interview requires you to wear casual wear, it’s still advised you turn up in a suit in order to sell yourself to the maximum.
- As well as a suit, it’s important to take pride in your hair. Learn how to wear your hair in a professional manner. You don’t need to strip yourself of your personality, but try to keep yourself looking tidy and clean cut. Being scruffy will get you nowhere, unless you’re a genius.
- Get used to answering your phone promptly and avoid missing calls. You never know who it could be on the other end, if you’re applying for jobs regularly online you should have companies calling you at least three times a week. It’s important to have a pen and pad ready at all times to write down notes, for example addresses and interview times.
- Practice speaking in a professional manner and try and make yourself sound happy, charismatic, and professional. Being sharp is good, if you mumble and stutter on the phone you’ll get nowhere. A tip that always works is to smile while you’re on the phone, this will increase your confidence and although the person on the other end cannot see you they will know you’re smiling and the conversation will be a lot easier and free flowing. If you’re not too confident as a person and you struggle with conversation, be as social as possible. Meet up with friends in your spare time and talk on the phone as much as possible.