Job Search

Top 5 Secrets to Make Your Web 2.0 Job Search More Effective

Top 5 Secrets to Make Your Web 2.0 Job Search More Effective
Social networking sites have dramatically changed the job search "game." LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, and Online Career Sites can help you, from the comfort of your home, discover new opportunities and tap into the hidden job market. Why? Because networking, whether it is performed offline or online, is still the most effective way to find a job. However, building a brand, connecting with professionals in your field, and maintaining those relationships is not as easy as just setting up an account (don’t we wish!?). Adapting best practices so you cultivate a favorable online presence and earn the trust of those in a position to help you is a strategic endeavor. For now, allow me to share the following...

Keywords Count!

Keywords are important online. Keywords are nouns and phrases specific to a career. The same way in which you Google to find a service or product, your social networking account, online resume, blog, etc., should be developed with select keywords. Choose terms you predict employers in your target industry, or recruiters will use to search for you. Yes, make your online content interesting, engaging, but ensure you have strategically attracted your audience.

Not All Connections Are Good Connections

Cautionary tale: Don’t “friend” or link with everyone! Most job seekers launch their web 2.0 job search by accepting all friends on Facebook, following everyone back on Twitter and connecting to as many as they can on LinkedIn. I say…don’t. Be selective. Your connections help support your brand once you have engaged them. Besides, by strategically connecting to those that are in a position to help you, you are conducting a more targeted networking campaign which will support a more tactical job search. Please engage, share, and help others. While I encourage a strategic networking initiative – I do not promote a one-sided strategy.

Don’t Post Your Entire Resume on LinkedIn

I review profiles all the time. One of the things I dislike seeing is a profile that mimics a resume and thus has all of the details outlined. Three good reasons why not:

A. No reason to expose your entire resume online so that “content thieves” copy it.

B. Why would a recruiter or employer further contact you for information when it all appears to be there?

C. It is absolutely boring to read content on a networking site that will be submitted again word-for-word once your resume is requested. Make your networking profile more personal and concise. Do, however, include all your employment history (company, location, etc.) because this will expand your network reach.

Your Participation is Crucial

Don’t just set up and go away. You must actively participate in order to leverage social media as a tool. If you don’t think you will use it, don’t set it up.

Revisit Your Online Resume Every 3 Weeks

Even if you make just a small change to your resume–update it. Searches are often conducted of candidates who submitted within the last 30 days. You know what that means… As always, if any questions: rvargas@creatingprints.comI
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