Teens: Start Your Summer Job Search The Right Way

Teens: Start Your Summer Job Search The Right Way

School's out, summer is in, and it is time to find a summer job. Where do you start? (Need to find a summer job? Watch this free tutorial to find out how!)

Self Analysis Of Skills (SAS)

According to Charles Mitchell, co-founder and president of All About People, the first step in finding a summer job is to complete a “Self Analysis of Skills” (SAS). Some example SAS questions are:
  • What are you good at?
  • Do you participate in any extracurricular activities?
  • Do you volunteer anywhere?
  • What classes do you excel in?
“Be very honest and objective about your skills, not to mention, the level of skills you possess,” said Mitchell. “Don't oversell or inflate what you have done in order to make a favorable impression with a potential employer.” Even though you don’t have a lot of work experience, potential employers will appreciate your honesty in the long-run. Don’t lie about your skills--it is better to be honest up front than majorly mess something up and potentially get fired because you didn’t have the skill you said you did. Employers will train you if you don’t have the skills necessary to perform the task. According to Mitchell, you should show the employer how your skills connect and relate to the company. From the SAS, you should also illustrate good character traits such as responsibility or conscientiousness by giving real world situations where you’ve shown those traits.

YouTube Introduction Video

In addition to the SAS, teens can benefit from making a YouTube Introduction video. “The YouTube Introduction may soon be the new ‘elevator pitch’ for all professionals, so get ahead with your own video,” said Mitchell. Since YouTube Introductions are a relatively new concept, having one will set you apart from the crowd. “Also, it sets you apart as being savvy and creative in presenting yourself to a workplace audience that craves smart, assertive employee prospects who take initiative to present themselves uniquely and professionally,” said Mitchell. Having a professional-looking YouTube Intro can set you apart from the crowd, and make you seem like a more driven potential employee because you’re ahead of the curve. This could make a huge difference in whether or not you get the job you’re applying for.


The last tip that Mitchell gives for teens looking for employment is to use Facebook to your advantage. “Facebook is great place to be when it comes leveraging a massive network to make others, including potential employers, aware that you are considering new opportunities and what skills, background, experience you bring to a career opportunity,” said Mitchell. As a teenager, Facebook may seem like just a place to post pictures of you and your friends, but it is so much bigger than that. Major companies, like the New York Times, are now posting directly to Facebook. Be smart about what you post, it could present you in a negative light that potential employers might see. Keeping these things in mind, go out and look for a job where you can use the skills you already have, and also gain new skills that you will be able to use for your whole life. Allow employers to see that you are the best candidate by highlighting your skills, being honest, and setting yourself apart from the crowd.

Need to find a summer job?

If you’re struggling through a frustrating job search, it can feel like you’re never going to land a job. But you can and you will! Watch this free 20-minute video tutorial “The Ultimate Technique For An Easier Job Search” to find out how you can get out of your career rut. WATCH NOW!

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About the author

Sarah Lynch is an intern for CAREEREALISM Media. She is a senior Mass Communications Major with a minor in Public Relations at Lander University in Greenwood, South Carolina. Connect with her on LinkedIn or follow her on Twitter.   Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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