Some Friendly Reminders For The Frustrated Job Seeker

Some Friendly Reminders For The Frustrated Job Seeker

Are you frustrated with your job search? If so, you are not alone. There is nothing more frustrating than looking for opportunities when none seem to exist. Related:6 Ways To Deal With Family Asking About Your Job Search The following are a few tips the frustrated job seeker should embrace. The advice is simple and often discussed, but also often overlooked. Sometimes, the most basic advice is the most vital.

Stand Out

It is not an easy to stand out in the hiring environment most companies have adopted today. In today’s market, you are competing with many applicants for the same opportunities. You have to think about unique ways to use your resume and cover letter so you can stand out and communicate your brand effectively.

Know When To Adapt

The biggest mistake job seekers make is not realizing when their resume and/or cover letter is not effective. If you are not getting results, you need to change it up. Do not be afraid to try different formats! I am sure you know everyone has different opinions on resume formatting and content, which means employers will to.


Looking for opportunities? Dig and do not stop digging! You never know where one will show up. Remember your job search needs to go beyond the internet to be more effective. NETWORK! Do not be afraid to let everyone you know that you are looking for opportunities. Send an e-mail to anyone who might know someone who might have a job opening. You will be surprised how many leads you can find by letting people know you are in the job market. You will find that people really do want to help you. Network, network and network. Did I say network? If you do not ask no one can help you. Search everyday!

Job Search Everyday

Try to do something career related once a day, if not more. If you stop job searching your results will be delayed. Apply for opportunities that you meet most of the requirements. Employers always advertise a laundry list of qualifications and requirements. They would like to find the perfect person to match every qualification, but employers know this person does not exist. They are looking for someone who closely matches and someone who will fit well into the culture.

Get The Interview Basics

When you go in for an interview make sure you are on time, prepared and researched the company you are interviewing with. Do not rely on just the company’s website for information. Be savvy! Use Google, Yahoo Finance, and Business Journals. This will show the employer how serious you are. Come prepared with extra resumes and have copies of your references ready to go. The goal is to demonstrate your professionalism to the employer. And finally... are you helping or hurting yourself with the way you use social media?

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