Is Your Job Title A Joke?

Is Your Job Title A Joke?

Clients often ask me if I think they should tweak, or even flat out change their job titles on their resumes and LinkedIn profiles so they can sound more successful and important. My first response is they should never lie. Recruiters hate, I mean HATE it when candidates lie about their credentials. However, it is important your job title have the right keywords.

Keywords Matter

Recruiters don't read your resume or LinkedIn profile, they skim it. Studies show you've only got about six seconds to make an impression. One of the things they do during those six seconds is to skim your job titles to see if you've ever held the role they are looking to hire. So, if they need a "Training Manager" and you've been a, "Learning & Development Specialist," that's not as clear a match as if you've been a, "Training Leader." As a result, it can help to adjust your job titles to sync with the job you're applying for, but only if that title is an accurate description of what you did. For example, if you never managed employees, you shouldn't add "Manager" to your title.

Don't Get Keyword Crazy

On the flip side, another mistake I seek job seekers making is the overuse of keywords in their job titles. In an effort to appear more successful, they make up titles that sound important. The result? A job title that is confusing and doesn't make sense. Beware of this. Recruiters can see through the bull!@#$. To help you see what I mean, visit the website, Stupid Job Title Generator. Created by a Google developer, it creates long, keyword-stuffed job titles that scream, "I'm trying too hard." If your titles sounds like any of these, I suggest you simplify it.

Personality, Aptitude & Experience Get You The Job...Not Your Job Title

While having the right job title might get you the interview, it's your personality, aptitude, and experience that get you hired. That's why networking is the real secret to finding your next position. The more people you meet, the more you can share your expertise and get recognized for your skills. In which case, your job title will be irrelevant.

Want More Help? Try This…

For anyone reading this who wishes they could work with someone to make sure their resume and LinkedIn profile are optimized properly, I invite you to check out CAREEREALISM’s sister site, CareerHMO. For the cost of a couple of lattes, you can get access to the best coaching, content and community available to advance your career. At CareerHMO, we take your career personally. Come see what we can do for you.
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