
Using The 'See Who's Viewed You' LinkedIn Feature

Using The 'See Who's Viewed You' LinkedIn Feature

As a job seeker, looking at who has viewed your LinkedIn profile can help generate more opportunities for jobs and to build your network of contacts. Related: 4 Things To Build A Good LinkedIn Profile Depending on your membership with LinkedIn, the most basic (free) membership allows you to see the last five viewers of your LinkedIn profile in the last few days. If you have a paid 'Premium' membership, you can see details on everyone who has viewed your profile in the last 90 days as well as information on how they found you. It includes details like what search terms were used to find you. So, now let’s talk about how you can take this information and turn it into opportunities.

If you see a trend where your profile views is declining, it’s time to make updates to your profile.

Updating your LinkedIn profile can help boost its visibility to show up higher in search results, particularly when you refresh your Summary. Other ways you can increase your profile views include being active in Groups, sharing/publishing posts, and posting status updates.

If you’ve already applied for a job and see someone from the employer has viewed your profile, reach out to them.

It’s a good sign to see employer contacts and recruiters viewing your profile because it’s indication that you have something that has caught their eye that makes it worthwhile to take a look around your profile. Take it to the next step, and follow up with the contact. You now have information on a specific individual at the employer you can follow up with to further highlight why you make a good fit for the job and exactly what you have to offer that is of value to them.

If you’ve applied for a job, but haven’t seen anyone from the employer view your profile, go find the appropriate employer contact profiles to view.

When no one from the employer views your profile after you’ve applied for a job, it may help to locate the hiring manager, recruiter, or head of the department you’re interested in on LinkedIn. Go in and look at their profile. When they see you’ve shown interest to look at their profile, it will usually prompt them to look at your profile. You don’t necessarily need to wait after applying to the job to do this – doing it beforehand can be particularly helpful because it will give you a better understanding of the individual, and you can tailor your information to their interest.

Use it to expand your network of connections of valuable contacts.

The 'How You Rank' tab that sits next to 'Who’s Viewed Your Profile' can help you see valuable contacts, and which individuals have the greatest visibility on LinkedIn. If the individual happens to be from the same industry, don’t be afraid to reach out and introduce yourself and ask for advice. Also review the way they position themselves on LinkedIn to help you more effectively position yourself–look at common keywords and terms they use as well as how they present their information. Job networking is more effective than job boards and recruiters for job seekers. Continue to utilize the information available with your LinkedIn profile to make new contacts in the industry and to get to the source of the hiring process at the employer so that your application and resume doesn’t fall into a black hole with hundreds of other job applicants. This post was originally published at an earlier date

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About the author

Don Goodman’s firm was rated as the #1 Resume Writing Service in 2013, 2014, and 2015. Don is a triple-certified, nationally recognized Expert Resume Writer, Career Management Coach and Job Search Strategist who has helped thousands of people secure their next job. Check out his Resume Writing Service. Get a Free Resume Evaluation or call him at 800.909.0109 for more information. Disclosure: This post is sponsored by a CAREEREALISM-approved expert. You can learn more about expert posts here.Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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