
3 Tips For Crushing Monday Mornings

Woman happy on a Monday morning

Got a touch of the "weekend flu" or the "Monday blues" this week? You're not alone. However, you shouldn't let that get you down!

Mondays can be tough, but you can get through them—we have faith! The good news? With the right mindset and a few simple strategies, you can make Monday mornings better and start the week off strong.

Don't let Monday get the best of you. Here are some tips from J.T. O'Donnell, LinkedIn Influencer and founder and CEO of Work It DAILY, on beating the Monday blues.

1. Plan Your Day Out On Sunday (Or Friday)

Man writing in his agenda plans out his day at work


When you know exactly what you're going to be doing on Monday morning, it's easier for you to mentally prepare and ease into the workweek. Otherwise, you can walk into the office frazzled, confused, and unorganized, which can set you back a few hours.

One of the best ways to make Monday mornings better is to plan ahead on Sunday or Friday. Set priorities, outline key tasks, and leave yourself clear notes to jumpstart your productivity. A structured start prevents that dreaded feeling of overwhelm and helps you hit the ground running.

2. Focus On Being Positive And Upbeat

Happy coworkers on Monday morning


Try to avoid people who are being "Debbie Downers." You don't need that extra gloom and doom on a Monday. Focus on spending your time with positive and upbeat people. Positivity is key! Surrounding yourself with optimism can set the tone for a productive start to the week.

If you're wondering how to make Monday mornings better, start by engaging in uplifting conversations or listening to motivating podcasts. A little inspiration can go a long way in helping you shake off the Monday blues and step into the week with confidence and a smile on your face.

3. Endorse Others

Coworkers encourage each other on Monday morning


There's no better way to feel good about yourself than to cheer on and support others. That's why Mondays are a great time to endorse your colleagues on LinkedIn. (In fact, we call Mondays "Endorse Day.") When you reach out and tell someone that you think they're special, they will likely return the favor. Is there a better way to stay positive than to get compliments?

But making Monday mornings better isn’t just about spreading positivity; it’s also about setting the right tone for your week. A quick act of kindness, like endorsing a colleague, can boost your mood and remind you that work is about connection, not just tasks. Plus, when you start your Monday mornings with a feel-good ritual, you create momentum that carries into the rest of your week.

There you have it! The key to making Monday mornings better is setting yourself up for success the night before and starting the day with positive habits. Remember, small changes can have a big impact, so experiment with what works best for you and build a routine that makes Monday mornings something to look forward to.

We hope these quick and easy tips help you crush Monday mornings and finally beat those Monday blues. You've got this!

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