
Employers Putting More Focus On Employee Mental Health In 2020

Many people experience anxiety or mental health problems and employers are starting to address these issue in the workplace.

For several years many in society have been trying to destigmatize the topic of mental health and make it so that people are more comfortable talking about it and admitting when they may have an issue.

A lot of progress has been made in this area and the conversations about mental health and well-being have expanded into the workplace. Many companies are adding resources into their benefit packages geared to supporting the mental well-being of their employees. Here are three reasons why employee mental health will be a major focus in 2020 and beyond.

Mental Health Is A Complex Issue That Differs Greatly By Person

There are a number of issues that could impact a person's mental health. Employers are offering enhanced health benefits to address this.


Everyone has different limits!

Some people deal with stress very well and are able to compartmentalize the different things going on in their lives. But, things add up sometimes.

Stress at work, problems at home, money issues and health concerns—these are all common problems that people experience every day that can greatly impact both a person's physical and mental health. In addition, many people also have secret battles with substance abuse or have other lingering issues that weigh on them.

In talking about companies offering more resources focused on mental health, the website said many employers were alarmed by the growing number of deaths nationally from drugs, alcohol, and suicide.

It's very difficult for companies, particularly large companies, to know what type of struggles their employees are going through. That's why many are trying to put more mental health resources in place, so employees know that they're there if they need them.

Small Steps Can Go A Long Way

Many employers are starting to offer access to councilors to help employees struggling with mental health issues,


Companies don't have to redo their entire benefit programs in order to address mental health. Sometimes just offering one new resource, or expanding an existing one, is all it takes.

According to, Starbucks, Chipotle, and Apple, are some of the companies that have been putting an increased focus on mental health and well-being.

Starbucks offers employees free subscriptions to Headspace, an app that focuses on guided meditation and healthy lifestyles. In addition, the company has plans to enhance its employee assistance program and train its employees on how to help someone experiencing mental health issues.

Chipotle offers enhanced benefits focused on mental healthcare through a partnership with Health Advocate, while Apple recently doubled the number of free counseling sessions that they will cover for employees every year, while expanding its telemedicine options for employees.

Every little thing helps and no resource is too big or too small when it comes to mental health.

Offering Mental Health Benefits Makes You An Attractive Employer

Human resource officials at many companies are looking for ways to expand mental health benefits offered to employees.


In addition to being concerned about your employees, offering mental health benefits is good employer branding.

Job seekers take a close look at benefits when searching for potential employers and offering mental health benefits makes you an attractive employer for multiple reasons:

  • You come across as a compassionate employer that cares about their employees
  • It shows that you're forward-thinking with your benefits and not afraid to make changes based on need
  • Its a benefit that many value and are looking for in an employer

According to, as 2020 moves forward more companies will continue to beef up their mental health offerings, particularly with an eye towards millennials. The website reports that recent research shows that50% of millennials report having left a job due to mental health reasons and greater declines in both mental and physical health have been reported among the demographic.

Employers will also focus on encouraging more open discussion about mental health and improving overall workplace cultures.

Whether your workplace offers mental health benefits or not, you must always be your own best advocate. Be mindful of how you feel, and if you're getting stressed or overwhelmed at work, take action before it becomes too much.

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