Career Change

The Challenges & Rewards Of A Mid-Life Career Change

The Challenges & Rewards Of A Mid-Life Career Change

Many people are intimidated by the idea of making a mid-life career change, especially because they buy into the myth that people who are 50 or older will face significant issues with ageism. Related: Resumes For Job Seekers Over 50 However, experts have indicated that age plays a much smaller role in a candidate's odds of getting a job than is commonly believed. In fact, the majority of hiring managers are much more focused on the particular skills and background experience that each individual will bring to their company. With this in mind, people who have reached the mid-life point should never settle for sticking with a career that they are no longer satisfied with.

How Common Are Mid-Life Career Changes?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average baby boomer will have approximately 11 jobs by the time they turn 46. Although half of these jobs will come earlier in life, it is interesting to note that the baby boomer generation has steered clear of the more traditional path of finding a solid company and sticking with them for several decades. This is partially caused by the continuously changing economy, but there are also psychological aspects at work. After all, most of the boomer generation grew up watching their parents hold down difficult jobs that did not necessarily satisfy them emotionally. Therefore, it is natural that baby boomers made the decision to look for more rewarding work, but this also leads to an increase in job changes. Statistics indicate that 56%of all U.S. workers are currently interested in switching to a new career, and it is not surprising that mid-life workers have had a big impact on this number.

Why Should You Consider Changing Careers?

Whether you are unhappy in your current industry or are at risk of being downsized due to economic challenges, it makes sense to consider a mid-life career change to increase your personal satisfaction and ability to make a good living. However, it will be imperative to carefully evaluate all of your options before you make the leap. There are several industries available that will hire people without a specialized college education as long as you have work experience that can be applied to your new field. For example, if you have been involved in the sales industry, you can easily translate these skills to property management. On the other hand, attempting to break into the science industry at this stage of your life will be much more difficult, especially if you do not have an appropriate degree.

What Are The Best Industries For Mid-Life Workers?

Each person needs to look for a career that they can be passionate about and perform competently, but there are definitely some industries that are easier for a mid-life worker to break into, including these two examples:

1. Teaching

Most people assume that you need a specific educational background in order to become a teacher, but this is not necessarily the case for individuals who have extensive experience in certain industries. You are not going to become an elementary teacher without spending several more years in college, but you could easily teach at the high school or college level with a minimal amount of educational courses under your belt as long as you have a degree in your current field.

2. Business Consulting

Another option for people who still enjoy their industry but want to move onto a new level is becoming a business consultant. This will allow you to utilize all of your experience and knowledge to assist others with filling the type of role that you want to leave behind. Many mid-life workers also find success branching out into non-profit management, nursing, real estate, and interior design. Ultimately, the path you choose should be based around hitting your financial and emotional needs, and you will need to be prepared for the fact that it could be a difficult transition. After all, it is often very challenging to learn a new field quickly, and you might need to rely on your business contacts to help you get your foot in the door. Fortunately, making the right career change at any age will make the challenges worthwhile. This post was originally published at an earlier date.

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