4 Ways For Moms To Break Back Into A Career

4 Ways For Moms To Break Back Into A Career

Many women are faced with a tough hiring road if they have left the workforce to raise children. A resume that ends five years ago like an abrupt sandstone cliff won’t bring many interviews. So, how can moms break back into a career? Here are four strategies that can get you hired:

Embrace The Internet

One of the best ways to re-enter the workforce if you have left it to raise a family is to demonstrate to prospective employers you are Internet savvy. Four ways to do this include:
  • Start a blog
  • Learn about social media rather than just using social media
  • Make yourself the mobile queen
  • Add online training or education
Embracing technology and making it your passion is one of the best ways to access the growing market of flexible career options. Today a simple computer and a high-speed connection make working again incredibly easy.

Take Momma Viral

Starting a blog is one of the best ways to demonstrate to a perspective employer you are a self-starter and a hard worker in addition to being computer literate. A good blog requires a lot of work and organization. In addition, the connections created through a blog can become excellent opportunities for employment. Should the blog become popular enough companies will start paying you for advertising spots and access to the viewers on your blog. The topic of the blog can be very unprofessional but the execution of the site must be professional for it to improve your employment opportunities. Have Sippy Will Travel is an excellent example of this type of blog. The blog topic is very relaxed and yet the execution is extremely professional. The site has its own URL, it is well branded and the woman that runs it has made a point of joining several organizations and following a large variety of similar blogs. Any prospective employer would look at this blog and know that they would love to have this woman working for them. She is professional and a real go-getter. Moreover, this blog was established in 2010 demonstrating a blog can be fairly new and still acquire a substantial following on the Internet. It’s never too late to start!

Face It, Facebook Can Make You Money

Social Media marketing experts are currently in high demand. This new world of marketing is remarkably different than traditional marketing and both large and small companies are desperate for Social Media experts. Start learning how to use Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other Social Media sites for business and marketing rather than just as a way to connect with family and friends. Chris Borgan’s book, Google+ for Business and Brian Carter’s, The Like Economy, are two excellent places to start. The more you learn the more there is to learn! Stick with it and this skill alone is likely to earn you several interviews and even land a well-paid job.

Smart Women Know About Smartphones

Take time to become a mobile queen. Mobile essentially means smartphones but the niche also includes iPad’s and other ultra light computer systems. Mobile devices are likely to become the next marketing powerhouse. A recent BIA/Kelsey research study found that smartphone users contact or visit a business 60% of the time after looking up their information. Compared to desktop averages of 10% or lower, this conversion rate is outstanding and businesses are taking notice. Learn how to use Foursquare, Google Places and other mobile-centric platforms for business and this will improve your chances of being hired.

Become A Lifelong Learner!

Adding education or training is an excellent way to round out a resume. Online courses are now available in most fields. Enrolling in online educational courses and adding certifications demonstrate that you have been willing to invest time and money in yourself and your career. These four ideas are from women I know who have used them to get back into the workforce and back into a career. Any other great ideas out there? Share them, especially on Facebook using your smartphone!

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