Are You More Productive When Working From Home?

Are You More Productive When Working From Home?

Working From Home

Did you know over 10 percent of the workforce in the United States works from home at least one day a week? Let's be honest: When you're working from home, are you 100 percent focused on your work from nine to five? Probably not. Well, you're not the only one. According to Business Week, a survey concluded that workers are easily distracted by the comforts of home.

Distractions At Home

The survey found that 43 percent of workers watched TV and 24 percent claimed they drank an alcoholic beverage while doing work. And it's not just the comforts of home that divert our attention. It turns out household chores are also major distractions. Of the workers surveyed, 35 percent found themselves doing chores and 28 percent ended up cooking dinner. It's no wonder 50 percent of the workers surveyed said their bosses are reluctant to have their employees work from home. How can someone possible to focus on work with this plethora of distractions? Is it even possible to work efficiently? Apparently, it is. A study by Stanford University found that workers are actually more productive when working from home. According to the study, people had higher work satisfaction when working from home, and their performance increased over 12 percent during a nine month experiment. What about you? Are you more productive when you work from home? Or is the office a better work environment? Please take our poll! [poll id="26"]

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