If you are a job seeker, you've probably read that networking is essential to finding a new job opportunity. “Is this for real?" I get asked this a lot by clients who are reluctant to network. Sometimes, people find it difficult to socialize outside of work because of family obligations, but sometimes, it's just hard to move beyond the security of the people they already know. Not many are like my client, Bob, (name changed to protect the innocent) whose DISC report came back saying, “Strangers are just friends Bob hasn't met yet." Needless to say, not many people are as gregarious as he is. Regardless of how extroverted or introverted you are, it is important to network. Why? Because it will dramatically improve your chances of being hired. According to CareerXRoads 2011 Source of Hire Report, referrals make up the highest percentage of external hires at 27.5%. With job boards at 24.9%, you'll more than double your chances of getting that new job by using your network, too. Why not boost it up even higher, by expanding it?
The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?
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When it comes to navigating career problems, the truth might surprise you: there are only six. That’s right, after 20 years as a career coach and thousands of success stories, I’ve learned that every career challenge fits neatly into one of six categories. Recognizing which one you’re dealing with is the first step toward a clear solution.
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You're ready to make a change in your career and have secured a new job (hopefully!). Now, it's time to quit your current job.
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