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Neutral Thinking In Times Of Crisis With Trevor Moawad

Neutral Thinking In Times Of Crisis With Trevor Moawad

Times are definitely uncertain right now. Many of us have never seen anything like this situation before...and now there is talk of a recession looming.

Before you go down a rabbit hole or panic, we want to encourage you to think about neutral thinking. But what exactly is neutral thinking, and why is it important?

"The analogy that I read in a children's book was: imagine you're running a race, and on the left side you have 1,000 people cheering for you. That's positive thinking. On the right side, you have 1,000 people booing. That's negative. Well, if you learn to just lessen the booing, you don't need to increase the cheering. And that really resonated with me." - Trevor Moawad, author of "It Takes What It Takes"

In this episode, I'm joined by my guest host, author Trevor Moawad, who explains what neutralthinking is, how to develop it during a crisis, and WHY you need it for your job search and career growth.

Trevor Moawad's Book "It Takes What It Takes" https://amzn.to/2WmXXLs

Trevor Moawad Website: https://www.thinkbig-gofar.com/

Meet Your Host: J.T. O'Donnell

J.T. O'Donnell is the founder and CEO of Work It Daily, an online platform dedicated to helping people solve their biggest career problems.

She has more than 15 years of experience in HR, recruiting and career coaching.

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