

J.T. O'Donnell Announces New Platform For Work It Daily


Member Profiles

Finally, you can create your very own profile within our platform! Tell us your goals, brand yourself, and connect with like-minded members. This feature will allow you to follow people within the community, reach out to other members, and brand yourself.

Strategic Networking

Network with members in your area, industry, or group with ease. Expand your network, meet like-minded professionals, cheer each other on, and learn from each other.

Personal Newsfeed

See what others are sharing in your personal newsfeed within the platform. Also, share your own updates, articles, videos, and questions. We'll also have daily polls, questions, and challenges!

... And so much more!


Everything in one place.

Log into one platform and get everything you need. No more switching back and forth from the course library to Slack! .

Easier access to coaches.

Your coaches will be one tap away in our new platform. Plus, you'll have an unlimited conversation history so you can refer back.

More great resources.

You'll still get all of the great courses, templates, and other resources -- it'll just be much easier to access!

🎉 What do these changes mean for YOU? 🎉

So, here's the thing. Since we're moving off of our old platforms, you need to move off of them, too. If you already have an active subscription with us, you'll still need to purchase a new subscription in order to maintain (and, frankly GAIN) access to our services. We know change is difficult and we want to make it easier for you. If you're already a paid member of Work It Daily, we're offering you an EXCLUSIVE discount to move over to the new platform.

Woman thinking about her career goals

The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?

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